Cut the But Outta Life: Making Big Decisions


(Photo by Jearvi)

Move to a new city

Get Married (or Don’t)

Quit a job

At certain points in our lives, we are faced with decisions that are of a far greater magnitude than deciding what whether we should visit Arbys or McDonalds

I’m talking about decisions that have an immediate and drastic impact on your life, the kinds of decisions that many people are afraid of making

In order to make big decisions in your life, you need to have the right resources in order to make sure you make the RIGHT decisions in your life, and make them with such authority that you will feel that much more alive and never think, “what could have been?”

I have been faced with many decisions in my life that required a lot of thought and careful weighing in order to come to the resolution that was right for me

What is interesting is that most of these decisions I was able to make in seconds

It didn’t take me a few hours to decide to go on a cross country tour alone

It didn’t take me days to decide that I was going to move to South America for a few months towards the end of the year to learn Spanish

And it didn’t take me weeks to figure out that I was destined to travel the world and see over 100 countries by the age of 35

You ever ponder a major decision and think to yourself

“Well I know I want to do it, but I don’t have the ______”

What I have found it that nearly every decision that you can make in your life has some sort of BUT attached to it that prevents you from taking the leap of faith

I want to move for that new job, but who will take care of my cats?

I want to see Europe, but how will I afford it?

I want to talk to that person, but what do I say?

This “Butting” in our lives is turning us into a world of people to afraid to even decide if they want to buy the big gulp or the regular size drink at 711

You need to TRUST your resources when faced with any decisions in your life, especially when its one of greater magnitude

You cannot sit around and weight all the options for long extended periods of time

All you are doing is wasting your time

Everything you ever need in order to make a major decision resides within you

The internet, books, and people can help educate you about the things you may or may not want in your life, but they will never offer an “answer” for you in your life

No internet guru, self help teacher, or book can help guide you in making decisions in your life

Only you can bite the bullet and go for it

You already know the right decision, you are just afraid to pull the trigger

I am here to tell you that pulling the trigger on any major decisions in your life is the single most liberating thing you can possibly do in your lifetime

When you commit yourself to following your feelings and going for the gold in any area of your life, you will feel a level of passion rise in you as if you are having precarious sex with your favorite celebrity

So the next time you are faced with a big decision, or even a smaller one, follow your gut and say F*&$ it to the but

(Yes I made that up, and yes I love it ;))

Let me know what kind of decisions you have made on instinct and how it turned out for you


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