3 Tips to Avoid The Christmas Crisis


Ah the holidays

Seriously who doesn’t love this time of year? The food. The friends. The family. The Gifts. Who doesn’t love the overall vibe and general awesomeness that occurs during the months leading to the new year? Hell even if you don’t have the same sugar and gum drops view of Christmas as me, you at least get to revel in the fact that you are not buried in paperwork at your job.

So we have established that the holidays kick ass, but then why is it that everyone seems to completely loose their shit during this time of year? They panic and fret over every little thing and it leads people to view the holidays in the worst way possible instead of viewing it for what it really is, a time of stillness and good feelings. Maybe you are caught in this trap yourself. Do you find yourself panicking to buy the perfect gift for your significant other? Are you stressing about whether or not you should attend your office Christmas party and get wasted off eggnog? Are you trying to buy everyone and their mother a stocking stuffer that will amount some level of meaning other than the financial expense you incurred? Fear not, I have a simple guide laid out here that will allow you to cut bullshit out of this holiday season and allow you to focus on the things that really matter to you.

One of the first things people think about when they think of Christmas is gifts. Getting them, receiving them, but is it really ever that easy? Many people go through many painstaking hours shopping, planning, and generally stressing themselves out to the point where they are passing death threats to the Santa Clauses outside of Macys. My question to you is why stress? Do your children really need another video game system that will be replaced in 6 months? Does your uncle really need another tie to add to his closet full of unforgettables? It would be to your benefit this holiday season to practice some minimalism and

1) Avoid the consumerism of Christmas

This means spending a hell of a lot less money on things for people. Buying a whole bunch of electronics at Best Buy for your significant other or handing out gift cards like candy to your “not-so-close” relatives is going to offer nothing more than a very short term level of appreciation. You and I both know that we live in a consumerist society, and I am sure that during the year you are completely frugal and spend your money on the things that matter most to you (*cough*) and if for whatever reason you usually find yourself knee deep in credit card debt come January, why not take this time to break away from all that spending and only give gifts that truly have a significant meaning to them. What the hell does that mean, you might wonder? Why not try

2) Giving the gift of experiences

I am not uncle scrooge, I love giving gifts and receiving them as much as the next 12 year old getting his brand new Xbox 360 this holiday season. But the types of gifts I find have the greatest impact are those of experiences and events, not a laser pointer you got in your stocking and used for all of five minutes before it found its way to a bargain bin in your summer garage sale.

Just tap into a person’s interests and offer them gifts that will allow them to experience first hand the things they love to do most in life. Have an artsy girlfriend? Buy her a pass to the new art exhibit in town. Have a husband who loves boating? Get him a rental pass for a schooner for a schooner over a weekend. Have a child who loves music? Buy him tickets to concert. The options are only bound by your imagination. So you have finally decided to put down the PlayStation 3 and pickup a new guitar for your music loving daughter, can you now fully enjoy the holiday? Maybe, but it might be beneficial for you to

3) Give to those who cant give anything at all

One of the greatest gifts you can give during the holidays is help and support to people who are not as fortunate as you. There are literally millions of people all around the world who will go through this Christmas without not only a new toy or piece of jewelry, but food. I know that everyone talks about this a lot during the holidays, and as much as I am trying not to beat a dead horse talking about helping others, it is damn important for not only the people in need, but for you. Giving back to others is something that everyone is capable of doing, no matter what your current situation is. When you can donate your time and energy to a soup kitchen, or buy a stack of gifts and hand them out to children who have nothing to play with at all, you will feel more alive and in touch with humanity than if you received the perfect Christmas gift 100x over.

Yes you heard me right, this is the time of year to get your hands dirty and involve yourself. Just writing a check or donating some cans at your local grocery store is still a great gesture, but it really wont mean shit to you in the long run. If you really want to connect with the definition of what Christmas is all about, you need to get out into the impoverished areas around you and lend a hand. Make a commitment to do this right not, and do not procrastinate because you and I both know that you wont get this shit handled at all. Whether this means talking to your local churches and asking how you can help, volunteering, or spending some time with an elderly person with no family, I promise you will feel better then when you are knee deep in eggnog and red wine.

Peace and love


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