Okay now that you have realized that you need to create your own logo for your brand of your life, and not try to be like mike or calorie count until you have a logo as lean as Jillian Micheals, but what now? Its simple really, you just need to break out a bit of your right side of your brain and create a logo with your own two hands.
Are you f&*^@ing serious?
Yes I am dead serious, you need to actually sit down and make this artistic masterpiece that will soon be your ever changing brand for 2010 and beyond. But before you dig out your finger paints and research ways to fedex dog shit to my doorstep, realize that what we are making does not have to be some artist rendition of Michelangelo. This is a simple, easy, minimalistic way of getting the things you love in life consolidated into a collage of pure win.
So where do we start?
- On a simple piece of paper, or in WordPad (No, you cant use Word) write down a list of things that interest you. It can be anything from material things to feelings, places, and even wierd cartoon characeters on TV.
Art collection
Family and Friends
Bungee jump
Scuba dive
- After you have a list that is at least 15 things long, start breaking out the old magazines or making use of google image search and find one great image for each of the things you have written down.
- Cut out or copy the images and be sure to place them on a blank piece of paper or a blank document on the computer (I use photoshop)
- Arrange the images around in a collage and write your initials with a ruler (or with outline tools on the computer) on your piece of paper
- Paste down the images where you want them (keepig in mind we are going to cut along your initials)
- Place the images over the outline of your letter(s) and cut around the outline of your initials (or crop it in photoshop).
- Like magic, you have not only passed 3rd grade art class, you also have a first draft to your personal logo
Have fun finger-painting
Will do this in a few days. Will report back. Will not fail.