Relocation Complete


I have finally unpacked my computer and gotten most of my affairs in order and I am ready to prepare for the marvelous occasion that is the one year anniversary of this website. Truly epic that my website’s first steps out of its diaper ridden existence co-inside with my move to Texas. Not only am I happy that this move is finally over, I am pumped full of endorphins, energy, life force, crack, whatever you want to call it, and ready to kick start this new chapter of my life to the heights of awesomeness. And while it may seem that I am in a drug induced state of mind, I can assure you that I am merely euphoric beyond any account, and if you happen to live in the Texas area, I would be more than happy to share some of my love with you (read: females only need apply).

I have some great articles in store for everyone and I look forward to reconnecting with everyone out there who is still bothering to listen to what I have to say after one year 😉



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