Spreading the Wealth

(Great picture, lame message)

(Great picture, lame message)

So let’s say that you are like Richie Rich in life

Maybe not with things, but more so with knowledge, skills, and relationships

Whether you are an expert on electronics, know how to easily create a work of art, or simple know how to drink a pitcher of beer in under 5 seconds, there are areas in your life that you have some level of talent over

These talents are things that either came to you naturally or grew over the course of much trial and error. The beauty of having these talents is that they will typically never leave you, especially if you enjoy practicing them on a regular basis

Now for the million dollar question, do you like to share that information?

Are you the type of person who finds it hard to keep a secret that is going to impact someone’s life in a majorly positive way?

Do you know the best way to make a model train and spend time with children showing them how a whole world can be created with only a few tools?

Do you know how to lift people’s spirits at the drop of a hat and make it your business to put a smile on as many people’s faces as humanly possible?

Or are you a hoarder?

Do you know the best technique to shoot a 3 pointer but refuse to expose your secret?

Are you a talented writer who doesn’t want to share their work for fear of people stealing your ideas?

Do you know the secret to happiness but don’t want to tell anyone else because you are afraid of what they might think of you?

It is important to understand not only what your “good stuff” is, but to share it as much as possible

Just like when you do some form of charity work and get a high from helping others, the exact same feeling comes when you push your talents into the limelight in an effort to enrich other people’s lives

When you hoard information, ideas, talents, anything really, your life will feel emptier despite the fact that you are holding onto more stuff

Think of it like when you hear a bit of good news about a close friend, and you cannot wait to tell the first person you see all about it. That is how you should treat your talents, skills, valuable information, and your positive feelings when interacting with anyone

I don’t want you running our and trying to be the next starter of the hippie revolution and put daisies in people’s gun barrels and smoke pot all day. Simply make a conscious effort to push out all the great stuff you run into

Don’t worry about people taking your ideas

Think about the passion you are adding to people’s lives

Don’t think your creations aren’t good enough for the public eye

Feel great that you have the balls to put yourself out there

Go out and spread the wealth

I promise you will come back richer than you were before



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