Goals Run Deep

One of the most important things you can do for your is to set goals




Anything and everything goes when it comes to setting and goal and pushing towards it. I would go as far as to say that if you don’t have any goals you are aiming for in life, you are simply wasting your time on this planet

That being said, there are some potential pitfalls that need to be addressed

Many people who set goals put way to much stock into the minute details behind them, and they spend so much time beating themselves up over not achieving certain aspects of their goals that they loose their passion and give up

Other people obsess about a goal until it consumes their life, they can think of nothing else other than making that goal a reality. While this may seem very productive on the surface, it can often wreck other areas of your life

Others simply set the bar way to high initially, and when they fail to fall in alignment with their expectations, they become a self hater and underachiever

There are lots of hang ups with goal setting, but it is still drastically important to getting more of the good stuff out of life

A good way to overcome these potential roadblocks is to setup a timetable of goals

Have short term, mid-range, and long term goal checkpoints that serve as reminders for some greater vision

For example, say you want to start a business. No matter how many times you watch the secret, you will not have a restaurant overnight

Instead set an initial goal of scouting out the perfect location for your dream restaurant, then set another for coming up with a great design, another for cuisine served, etc

The key is to develop easily actionable steps that will lead to progress towards your major goal

If you continue to set and accomplish smaller goals that lead to your big goal, you will find the process to be a lot more enjoyable, effective, and far less daunting and time consuming

Then before you know it, you will be one step closer towards living the life you want



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1 comment to Goals Run Deep

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