How to Lead a Normal Life

  1. Do what everyone else expects of you
  2. Never challenge the status quo
  3. Abandon creativity
  4. Don’t try new things
  5. Live inside the box
  6. Stop learning at high school
  7. Take the easy way
  8. Stay in your comfort zone
  9. Complain about problems
  10. Watch lots of TV
  11. Don’t read anything but magazines
  12. Never leave your home town
  13. Always spend time in the company of others
  14. Refuse help from anyone
  15. Have one sexual partner
  16. Get married asap
  17. Aim to be slightly better than your neighbor

There are lots of other fascinating ways to lead a mediocre life, if you are interested in learning any more please feel free to email 95% of the population for their thoughts and opinions.

For the other 5%, keep doing what your doing and let the rest of the planet know when you change the world

Living extraordinary


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