Trolls in Life, and How to Stop Them

penny arcade fuckwad internet troll

This is not a post about monsters that live under bridges and collect tolls and body parts from unsuspecting victims.

I am talking about the other kind, of the people and internet douche bag variety

Wikipedia defines a troll as,

“someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion”

Essentially it’s a person who creates problems. The equivalent of the ubiquitous mother-in-law, except they follow you around not only on internet forums, but bad mouth you and your life much like the real life equivalent.

Trolls are a constantly accumulate on everyone’s life. Whether someone is starting a business, a family, or just trying to be unseen and unheard, trolls will make themselves known and heard.

Should you care about these blemishes on your life?

The knee jerk reaction is obvious,

“Fuck em”

Upon further inspection it becomes blaringly obvious that no matter how much you ignore these bastards, they will always leech onto your life in some capacity.

So instead of constantly ignoring the ugly pink elephant in the room, why not disarm them?

Strip them of their power and thereby convert them to the light side of the force, or at least send them shipping to their troll cave.

Essentially approach them with this dogma in mind,

“Can we agree that there is a problem. So you don’t like my idea, is there a problem or opportunity occurring can we agree on that?”

From there, the lead in is apparent,

“WWYD troll?”

What the hell would you do?

Something is happening that is causing you to get your panties in a bunch, what would you do then mate?

At this point, most troll’s heads will explode or they will recluse back to their erie dwelling.


(What would you do troll?)

And watch them fall as you continue to make a difference in the world.

Killing trolls everywhere


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