Walk Small And Carry A Big Stick


So it’s the New Year, and despite my advice about giving the finger to New Year’s resolutions, you have decided to attempt to accomplish a laundry list of seemingly impossible tasks.

You are ready to dive head first into the deep end and wow the world with your jenesequa like natural talents and surpass all those that stand in opposition of your future glory.  You will rise above all other dabblers and hackers in the fine art of your goal and become the pillar of success for future generations.

Either that or you will crash and burn faster than a 747 and wonder where the nearest Wal-Mart is so you can buy a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Pumpkin Cheesecake in reparations.

The problem with starting working towards a new goal that everyone wants to be great now. They don’t have any desire to put in the time, energy, effort, and red bull fueled nights in order to achieve monstrous like results that are achieved by so many before them. I promise that if you think you have a natural talent for whatever it is that you are about to try, you will inevitably fail and fall flat on your ass thousands of times even if you are 8 feet tall and trying out for the NBA.

No one is hot shit enough to just fall into massive success, you have to take small steps that inch your progress forward like a ticking time bomb. After months and years of practice, only then will you become god like in your chosen area of study.

Sucks doesn’t it? Well learn to suck it up and deal with it because even the most notorious superstars of our lifetime got the shit kicked out of them on a daily basis for years until they became the aforementioned super humans that they are today.

From learning form for shooting a basket to a basic two step, you have to inch out your progress so that you can make clear and concise changes that will forever aid you in your path to glory.

You too can become the next Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, or Michael Symon, you just need to take small steps just like they did and eventually you will become a god among men.

Just give it a few years and a few steps

Big feet


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