Some Things Never Change

So I recently had the pleasure of rereading The Catcher in the Rye and of course I will pass the same sediments along that most book critics will offer, this book Is a must read for anyone who loves a great fiction novel with strong messages that one may or may not interpret as a general increased in angst towards all human beings

But I digress, this book really does kick ass with its great insight into the human through process and had me laughing out loud at many appropriate and inappropriate moments

I mean seriously, what’s not to love about a book where the main character is constantly saying “goddamn” and “phonies” every other sentence?

One of the passages in the book had me so intrigued that I placed one of my hell bank notes bookmarks on the residing page so I could refer back to it and write a lewd and controversial blog post for all of you fine people to enjoy

Our boy Caufield is walking through central park making some new insightful comments about life when he says,

“I kept thinking about Phoebe going to that museum on Saturdays the way I used to. I thought how shed see the same stuff I used to see, and how she’d be different every time she saw it….Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone.”

This statement really struck a chord in me and got me thinking,

Are some things best off staying the same?

To summarize my general thoughts on this, the answer is yes. If you don’t like that cliff notes of this post than I suggest you read on brave knight

Anyone who knows me, stalks me, reading my blog posts, or even has a passing conversation with me that is never to be continued again knows that I am a vessel for change

I enjoy changing nearly every aspect of my life, from where I live to what I do and all the fun little details that are sandwiched in between all that. Simply put, I am the type of person who thrives on constant change in their life

That being said, there are certain aspects to my life that should never constitute a change even if it meant getting more of the things I want in my life

Some of these things are: the love in my family, close friends, my passion for learning, my near sickening positivity about life. These things should go unscathed like old homes in a historic district of a city

How do I know these things should never change? I don’t. I do not have access to a changeoranger 2000 that measures effective levels of in ineptitude in one’s life and makes precise calculations about what aspects of my life should remain stagnant and what others should be pushed out of an airplane

As much as you might drone in front of your computer screen in a moment, I know in my heart that these are things that I never want to see changed in my lifetime

You and I both know that there are some things that you just instinctively know. Call it a gut reaction, call it faith, call it bullshit, but we all have experienced this feeling in our lives at some point

You may have not thought about it, but there are thoughts, feelings, and ideas in your life that shouldn’t shift when the wind blows, things that are more important than life itself

Its not going to be crucial for you to write this stuff down, nor Is it important to spend hours pondering this with a bunch of your friends while drinking mocha lattés at Starbucks, and you already damn well know where I stand on making some stupid self help exercise for you to do in order for this to, “permeate your soul and drastically impact the quality of your life”

All you have to know is that sometimes, on some things, things can be damn fine staying just the way they are

Feeling good doing the same


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