Turn off the News

Tiger Woods Sex Scandal

Another murder in downtown

The stock market has crashed

How is all of this news related? Simply put, its all bullshit

Bullshit to listen to

Bullshit to care about

Bullshit to talk about

This is not real news, this is gossip on steroids

If you want to become a more […]

The Formula to Win at Life

I have devised a simple formula for the best way to explain this,

I should have been a math professor


Why You Should Make Less of An Impact

So I recently got finished watching “No Impact Man” and basically the movie gave me a serious wake up call on a lot of topics that I have always had a level of interest and concern for, but never really ponyed up and did much about it (mostly out of lazy habit). No I’m […]

I Watch You, You Watch Me

I was just down at SXSW and viewing a huge variety of music, art, interactive, and film media. While I was totally enamored with the festival itself, I found myself watching the people who were attending even more so.

These aren’t your normal business types, these are hipsters, jocks, film makers, novelists, geeks, party […]

What Could Be Better Than TV?

I was recently inspired by the ramblings of Seth Godin to write a brief but emphatic post on the importance of watching TV.

Yes, you heard me right, it is vital to you and your survival to watch as much TV as humanly possible. This means having TV with you at all waking hours […]