Coming of Age

There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to suck it up and fall down the rabbit hole

This can meaning anything from embarking on an unsettling adventure to pulling the trigger on your comfortable job for something completely outside your comfort zone.< Since today we are nearly all blessed with [...]

Be Limitless with Bruce Lee

Let get something straight, I love Bruce Lee.

If I could be resurrected and come back as anyone, I would likely give my left testicle to either

A) Be Bruce Lee

B) Be one of his apprentices

Any man who could father the principles of Jeet Kune Do has my eternal respect, admiration, and […]

It’s Called Mindset

Another brilliant gem while my brain and my liver recover from 10 days of debauchery in Texas.

This one is a keeper.



Memoirs of Party Soul

Nearly everyone, at some point in their life, decides that it would be prudent to write their memoirs and get them published as a means of substantial passing before they are gone from this world.

Fame, power, nostalgia, lust, nearly any reason can be given for writing about one’s past, but the real question […]

How Not To Completely Loose Your Mind: Personal Standards

One of the biggest conflicts that one can struggle with is the notion of, “keeping up with the Joneses”

In case you have been living in an underground vault for the past century, it basically means that you are in a constant battle to have as much as the guy living next door to […]