Usually I try to make my posts on the more uplifting side, something not quite akin to Anthony Robbins but more like that coach that yelled at you but always took you aside and told you that you could do it if you busted your ass
Yeah a coach with a big megaphone and a “omg loud” voice (check on one of those things)
But alas I need to make a post that Is not quite as uplifting, with the only reason to be a buzz kill being that I have noticed some crazy crap going on lately
When did a message on Facebook constitute a proper happy birthday to someone?
When did it become easier to IM someone than meet them and have a real conversation?
Why are we becoming less active, more antisocial, and less intelligent?
I am somewhat frightened as to the potential future for America, instead of having a bunch of badass, smart, fit, street smart armed adults, we are on the verge of becoming a nation of fat, uneducated, work obsessed, antisocial people who bear a striking resemblance to the humans featured in Wall-E
When I see that people go out to dinner with friends, lovers, family and spend more time on their cell phone than talking with the people that matter most in life, that bothers me
When people value an 80 hour work week over spending time during the week to exercise and get active, I wonder about their health
When people care more about going to school just so they can earn a living in some career path that has no interest to them whatsoever but is, “the smart move”, I cringe in pain
I respect the fact that not everyone is going to run around and be a superhero and spend less time at work, spend more time with friends and family, and also spend more time at the gym instead of at Arby’s, but If things like that aren’t important to you, what is exactly?
I love finding passion projects to spend time on, whether its writing a book, cooking an elaborate meal, planning my next travel adventure, but I always make sure that I find time to do the things that are really important
“What is really important to you?”
That is the question that I ask our younger generation and often fear at the potential response
We have lots of people that are doing amazing things with their small business, startup, or even people making huge leaps while climbing the corporate ladder, but what else?
Do the people who are work obsessed find time to address all those basic needs that anyone would be hard pressed to argue with?
Sure we all need food, shelter, and water, but the more core human needs of love, family, fit mind and body, passion for work
I think that everyone on this planet should have all of those things (in addition to a bunch of other really cool and important stuff) but it seems that less and less people share my philosophy
I am not completely discouraged, however
I have watched people who were far more resistant to change make drastic changes in their life for the better
My mother decides to go to the gym 5 days a week and get on board with eating even healthier, whole, foods (She is even recording and researching what she eats on a Android phone)
I see more and more people out to meet new people just for the sake of sharing ideas and a few laughs with my meet up groups online
I see friends trying new food, ideas, activities, and new experiences and embracing the things they really enjoy
I do not believe that we are doomed to be a nation of fat, stupid, social retards
I do know that if some changes aren’t made in the near future, our upcoming generation is totally screwed
I am seeing a lot of people waking up to this fact and taking measures in order to insure that we are not falling down a black hole of near despair, and as long as more people jump on board then we will start to see some more radical changes for the better
So maybe this wasn’t a sad post, but a hopeful one for the future that is still forming
As long as people begin to stop “checking in” at every Starbucks they walk into and decide to have a cup of coffee with a friend in real life instead of sending them some crops of beans via Farmville, I think everyone will be just fine