Laughter at Refusal


Ever been in a really awesome mood?

The kind of mood that makes you want to run up and kiss every ugly mug you come across (with some flight preference to your preferred sexual preference)

Remember when your uplifting and unwavering good time came to a crashing halt when you came across someone in a total shit mood?

Everyone has seen this, it’s not a fairly tale

Why is it that the people with very poor moods can so easily influence the way we feel? Common sense dictates that these punks with their crap attitudes should take their misery and go play cat’s cradle in the corner until they are ready to come out of time out

That precisely what you need to do in order to amplify your positive feelings, and block out the people around you that may be in avertedly bringing you down

There will always be people who will frown at your positive demeanor. Instead of trying to convert them to the light side of the force, let them be and keep the positive vibes flowing

Laugh at the people around you who simply can’t put a smile on their face. You know the bottom line; life is to damn short to be unhappy, so when in the presence of unhappiness, use it as a trampoline to your next level of joy

I am not saying to ignore all the sad/angry/(insert negative emotion) people, that would be cruel. But we all know with experience that having someone trying to cheer you up when you feel like shit is the absolute last thing you want going on

So let it rest

Understand that at that moment you are in a better place than that person is, and tomorrow you might just switch positions with that road rage driver on the freeway or the snobby coworker who wont shut up with the gossip

By keeping your head up high, you just might inspire a few of those people looking down to change their perspective a bit more to the north



Who Arent You?


Now here is a question that rarely, if ever, gets asked

Every from the most gutless coward to the bravado ridden d-bag and all the nice people in between are trying to figure out who they are in this life

But did you ever stop to think that who you aren’t may actually be more important than who you are trying to be?

Bear with me for a moment and lets revisit the fact of most people’s life situation

1)      You feel lost in some area of your life

2)      You want some added meaning to your existence

3)      You have some loose idea of what you think you want to be, but really you have no idea

4)      You understand your limits, but they are rarely verbalized nor practiced in your daily life

5)      You don’t have a solid idea of who you aren’t in this world

This is a rough summary equivalent to a sneeze on napkin, but you get the point

The idea is that everyone loves chasing down this dream lifestyle, and all along the way you will run into things that you dislike or hate or love, etc

What if you decided that you would make a conscious decision to take note of all the BS that you cant stand in your life?

I hate doing reports for my sales I make

I cannot stand it when people try to bullshit me

I am really not a fan of peanut butter (What the hell is wrong with you? 😉 )

The idea is simple, start making a note of the things you don’t like, just be careful not to turn this into an exercise of negativity

The idea isn’t about being a pessimist or an optimist, just like it isn’t about finding out who you are meant to be or not in this world

The idea is to simply get a better understanding of the happenings in your life (in this case the negative ones) so you can have a better sense of the direction you are going in

The better your direction, the more fun you will have along the way

Happy complaining


Turn off the News


Tiger Woods Sex Scandal

Another murder in downtown

The stock market has crashed

How is all of this news related? Simply put, its all bullshit

Bullshit to listen to

Bullshit to care about

Bullshit to talk about

This is not real news, this is gossip on steroids

If you want to become a more “informed” individual your best bet is not to have CNN running 24/7 in your household, but actually to turn off the TV, put down the tabloid newspaper, and tune into something with a bit more substance

What has more substance?

Blogs, books, articles, noteworthy magazines, webinars, informative newspapers

By unplugging yourself from news world, you in avertedly plug yourself right back into the essence of what it means to be an informed individual

Knowing how to cook a turkey because you learned about it in a cook book certainly has more weight than knowing the current bra size of your favorite celebrity

Reading a great sci-fi book will bring you more intellectual stimulation than watching the newest episode of Dancing with the Stars

You become a more knowledgeable person the minute you decide that reading/watching/listening to something that truly interests you and gaining some form of worthwhile stimulation out of it, instead of hearing about the latest gang shooting in your neighboring city.

And if you are worried about not keeping up to date with current events, don’t

The minute something really important happens, you will hear people actually talk about it

Unplug to get plugged in, and I promise, if the world is going to end to tomorrow, ill be sure to let you know about it 😉

Cheers Tiger Woods


The Formula to Win at Life

I have devised a simple formula for the best way to explain this,


I should have been a math professor


Sacrificing Your Passions


Where does quality of life come from? Is it an idea, a tangible product, a metaphysical ideal?

Quality comes from passion

Passion comes from you

One of the things that always pisses me off is when I see someone dumb down an idea or goal for the purposes of making it more mainstream or more practical for their lifestyle

Like the entrepreneur who has a great new idea for a product but is afraid that it’s to niche in its appeal so he adds a “cup holder” of an idea to it so it’s more accessible

Or the chef who decides that he should take a job at the local Olive Garden because he isn’t sure that there are people interested in his fresh take on seafood creations

Any time you sacrifice your passion in order to just, “make it work” a part of you will die inside

Sound harsh?

Reality is that what you love in life should never be compromised in any situation

You already hold this ideal true for other areas of your life that you are passionate about

Your family, friends, maybe your pet are all things you care deeply for and never for a second would lower the intensity of how you feel about them

This passion for the ones in your life that you care about is the exact same passion that exists for your craft, hobbies, or talents

Don’t take your passion for trying to lose weight and simply ignore it once a week for a cheat day because you believed you earned it

Don’t walk away from a job offer that has less security than your present job, but follows an area of your life that you absolutely love

Don’t sacrifice your passions

And watch your life kick that much more ass

