Shifting Your Inner Circle


What if I told you that you had a great group of friends that you would spend time with?

You all had similar interests and found it fairly easily to come to an agreement in regards to anything

You would watch movies, go to bars, party like rock stars, all the fun stuff that friends do together

Then one day something changed

You decided that you weren’t fully happy with your life and wanted to do something different

You wanted to make some changes

Your friends stand by you, though they don’t understand, and for the most part everything remains the same

Then you say to yourself, “Did I say changes? I mean BIG changes”

Now your friends are beginning to feel alienated

While you still care about them and want to spend time with them you find that they are less inclined to jump on your bandwagon

As you spend more time together and you discuss your new found passions and ideas they seem reluctant to listen, or don’t seem to care for your new found attitude

As time wears on you find that the things you had in common with your group of friends no longer hold true

You really don’t have similar interests anymore, and coming to an agreement has become the equivalent of grinding nails across the chalkboard

The hardest part for you is that some of your friends are not offering any support for you and your new found passion for change

They are becoming more distant you are becoming more impatient

What if I told you that you had a great group of friends that you would spend time with?

What if this group of friends were new people that you just met who love what you love?

What if they were supportive of any change that you were making that you believed in?

What if this meant letting go and moving forward with a new group of friends behind you?

That sounds like progress to me



Be An April Fool


Well it’s the time of the year, you know the one that you loved as a kid but really don’t put much thought into as an adult?

If you haven’t already figured it out, I’m talking about April fool’s day, the fun and pseudo jackass prankster holiday of the year

With the overload of work bearing down on you and the looming deadlines and TPS reports that need filing, it’s easy to not care about April Fool’s day

And while I agree that the holiday itself might be the lamest thing that ever existed (next to some other unmentionables) it’s the idea behind April Fools that that is actually worth talking about


This single aspect is the basis of many relationships, friendships, business places, treaties, deals, nearly anything imaginable, and yet so many people tend to neglect it on a day to day basis

It’s the humor in life that helps make life worth living, the utter ridiculousness in the bad, mundane, or good situations that help give someone’s life zest and also perspective. And if you neglect something that you know to be so important, then you are bound to screw up not only your life, but the lives of those you come in contact with

I mean who really wants to chat with someone with no sense of humor, even if they are just having an “off” day?

So while you are off conquering your personal world at the office, at home, or while playing, always remember to stop for a moment and laugh.

Keep it light



Be sure to forward any angry emails you get from playing a prank on your boss and getting reprimanded for hiring him a stripper, I promise at least 2 people will find the situation funny

Breaking All the Rules


Everywhere you look, there are rules

Rules for society

Rules for etiquette

Rules for normalcy

Rules for yourself

Now while it’s important to have rules for yourself and not the kind that setup new boundaries, but the kind that break through old ones

Not a rule that says you don’t like Indian food, but one that says you are resistant to change

Not a rule that forbids you from exercising because of your injury, but one that allows you to swim

Not a rule that says you are conservative, liberal, or just plain crazy, but ones that say you have specific values

These rules really aren’t rules; they are gateways to awesomeness in your life

They setup a clear foundation for accomplishing any and everything in your life because you set them up, so unless you setup a bunch of rules that prevent you from doing anything you want in life (which many people *gasp* inadvertently do) you can setup boundaries for yourself that will allow you to branch out and grow more into the type of person you want to be

Cool shit right?

Be sure to sit down and right a bunch of rules for yourself that you know you should or shouldn’t follow in order to lead the type of life you want to live

And be sure the next time someone calls you out on breaking some rule that you don’t like, smile, and politely let them know that you don’t play by those rule

Cheers to breaking all the rules


Why You Should Make Less of An Impact


So I recently got finished watching “No Impact Man” and basically the movie gave me a serious wake up call on a lot of topics that I have always had a level of interest and concern for, but never really ponyed up and did much about it (mostly out of lazy habit). No I’m not talking about finances or fitness or even general ass kickery, I’m talking about your environmental impact on society.

It’s the stats of the film that drove me to take action. The fact that each person goes through 2600 pounds of trash per year, and that a single piece of non local food can represent hundreds of dollars in eco waste.

I love the idea of making the world a better place, and its important that not destroying the planet play a part in our personal endeavors to improve our lives.

Now do you have to go 6 months without electricity, stop using anything disposable, and put your s&^* in a compost bin? No, but the idea of the film is reducing your carbon footprint in whatever way is possible for you.

This means you turn off the lights and turn on the candles

Don’t live with your face buried in front a screen

Stop using bleach and start using healthier cleaners

Stop buying more shit you don’t need

Think about where your food comes from, especially if its in a box

Anything you can do to make less of an impact is a step in the right direction, and it will feel damn good to do something for the environment

So without going Greenpeace all over you, take some action and see what happens. Like the movie states, its not about one person being able to change the world, but about a group of people doing the right thing and starting the eco-revolution.

Cheers to saving the world


10 Quotes To Get You Looking and Feeling Healthy

Well spring is here, and that means that people will be more than ever hitting the gym, eating lean cuisines, and grunting while lifting big weights. All the great perks of getting healthy do come at a high cost though, you need to have the determination and personalized commitment to wanting to be as healthy (and looking as good) as you possibly can. I was thinking today about some of the major players in the world of health, nutrition,bodybuilding, and generally anything even loosely related to health and fitness and decided to compile a list of the top 10 best quotes that helped get my lazy ass to the gym on a regular basis. Enjoy and happy lifting.


“The first wealth is health”



“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”


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