I Watch You, You Watch Me


I was just down at SXSW and viewing a huge variety of music, art, interactive, and film media. While I was totally enamored with the festival itself, I found myself watching the people who were attending even more so.

These aren’t your normal business types, these are hipsters, jocks, film makers, novelists, geeks, party junkies, and pretty much everything in between mashed into a cubic mile of space. It truly is amazing to not only interact with these amazing people, but also to simply sit down and absorb what is going on around you.

Now I was not lingering over people Animal House style and nor was I staring at people until a fight erupted or I was asked to meet someone at room 69 at  the Red Roof Inn that night. I simply was walking around being totally taken by the sweeps of people from all walks of life.

After I cam back down to reality, I soon realized that people watching is something that many people either

A) Never do and think they never will

B) Do fairly consistently but never admit to it

C) Are very open about their willingness to and love for having eye sex with passerbyers

Whether you like doing it to play devils advocate with unsuspecting victims or simply enjoy watching the mass of diversity that is going on around you, it is important to take a few moments every day, ease back into the upright position, and really watch and take in the community of people around you. Who knows? you might even learn a few things.



What Could Be Better Than TV?


I was recently inspired by the ramblings of Seth Godin to write a brief but emphatic post on the importance of watching TV.

Yes, you heard me right, it is vital to you and your survival to watch as much TV as humanly possible. This means having TV with you at all waking hours of the day. Whether it is on your cell phone screen, being downloaded to your DVR, being watching over Hulu, or being downloaded from a torrent website, your time is simply well spent with your face in front of a screen watching the latest American Idol.

Because really, what else could you be doing with your time other than watching TV? I guess you could

  • Write that book you always talked about
  • Ride a bike
  • Learn to cook
  • Build something
  • Travel the world
  • Learn to speak a new language
  • Read an enriching book
  • Start a small business
  • Find a better job
  • Learn a new skill
  • Practice your favorite hobby
  • Get naked and start the revolution

Who would want to do any of that though?



Be Like a Paratrooper in Training (No Gunplay Required)


Recently I found myself watching the band of brothers DVD series, which too many people’s amazement I have never seen before. While I won’t talk about how one episode has already got me hooked, I will talk about how the entire first episode takes place during the troop’s hardcore training regimen that was designed with a specific purpose in mind, to make them the most badass paratroopers that would head behind enemy lines.

Continue reading Be Like a Paratrooper in Training (No Gunplay Required)

The Corporate Outlook

Now I know that not all corporations are like this, but I am sure I am not the only one who will laugh their ass off when they take a look at this comic. Maybe you should reassess what your current job or career is if this is comic isn’t to far from the truth in displaying your viewpoints about the glory that is your cubicle work 😉


The Need To “Work”


One of the first questions people asked me when I was moving to Texas was what I was going to be doing for work. They would ask questions like, “who is your employer?” “Who do you want to work for?” “Do you have a job lined up?” While these questions didn’t bother me much at first, they soon became slight scratches against the chalkboard of my mind after hearing them repeated about 100 times.

Why is it that everyone attaches a new experience like moving out of state to a job? Is it because we are getting involved in more careers that are benefiting society and help the common man? Or is it because everyone wants to know if you have something lined up because if you don’t you will likely fall on your face?

Continue reading The Need To “Work”