I have finally unpacked my computer and gotten most of my affairs in order and I am ready to prepare for the marvelous occasion that is the one year anniversary of this website. Truly epic that my website’s first steps out of its diaper ridden existence co-inside with my move to Texas. Not only am I happy that this move is finally over, I am pumped full of endorphins, energy, life force, crack, whatever you want to call it, and ready to kick start this new chapter of my life to the heights of awesomeness. And while it may seem that I am in a drug induced state of mind, I can assure you that I am merely euphoric beyond any account, and if you happen to live in the Texas area, I would be more than happy to share some of my love with you (read: females only need apply).
I have some great articles in store for everyone and I look forward to reconnecting with everyone out there who is still bothering to listen to what I have to say after one year 😉
After I watched this video, I knew I had to post it up even during all the chaos of me getting situated out where everything is bigger.  Definitely give this a watch if you have ever played a video game and especially if you have ever made the mistake of installing a MMORPG on your computer (If you don’t know what it is, trust me you don’t want to). More awesome posts coming soon after the dust in my life settles a bit 😉

7 states, 1600 miles, and countless adventures later, I have arrived in Austin, Texas for the next chapter in the ridiculous book that is my life.
I have a lot to say but I am tired as %^&* and will talk about it this week as I run around and try to find my shit which I seem to have lost 😉

Well it has finally happened, the shit has hit the fan, all hell has broken loose, whatever the hell you want to call it, I am moving out of the midwest and making the long trek down to the dirty south tomorrow morning . Currently I am tired as hell, still knee deep in various odds and ends to take care of, and totally pumped to get down there. I will be making a few notable stops in Memphis and Nashville just because I can. Words cannot express how much I have been waiting for this moment to happen, I feel as if every Christmas I have ever experienced is being wrapped into one single adventure.
I will update you all  as soon as my trip gets underway, and of course offer and article of a bit more substance.
Cowboy hats and country music galore.

I was driving around today running a bunch of mindless errands and having a bit of a nostalgia trip before I permanently vacate the Midwest next week and I began to ponder the idea of having friends and enemies in life. Instantly I was transported into every Tom Clancy book ever created and quickly realized that the saying, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” is not only one of the most used phrases in any form of media, but it holds a level of truth to it that many people don’t even realize. So clearly I have way too much free time in order to ponder the ramblings of some retired naval officer, but alas it makes for a great article.
Why is it so great? Because I damn well say it is. But seriously, what is the first thing you think of when you read that ubiquitous statement? Do you think about how you should always be breathing down the neck of the people you dislike in life? Does it remind you about how you should have a close relationship with everyone in your life? Does the statement itself anger you to no ends because you are tired as hell of hearing someone state it in every Steven Segal movie? All of them are excellent stances, but not exactly the kickass conclusion I came to.
Continue reading Wtf Does Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer Mean?