Ever had a goal that you were literally obsessing over? Like to the point where is someone were to come p to you and say you were wrong you wouldn’t just tune them out, you would likely attack them like a piece of cake at a fat camp? I know I have. There have literally been moments in my life where I would totally zone everything else in my life out in order to focus specifically on achieving a goal. I literally would have girlfriends, family members, and my cat wondering, “What the hell is going on?” Unhealthy? Maybe. Effective? Hell yes. Now the funny thing is that many of these goals that we create end up being short-lived, but not for the reasons that you are likely contemplating.
I am not talking about getting some great goal and then quitting because you can’t make the cut, I’m talking about when you create a goal and look back at it a week later, a month, or ever a year and say to yourself, “Wtf was I thinking?” Fear not, you are not some underachieving dweeb you cant get enough mental leverage in their life to lift a paper clip, you just found yourself looking at a goal that has lost its luster and needs some serious retuning.
Continue reading Check Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self
Great stuff from the all mighty and powerful internet gods. Let me know what you think about this image in the comments.


Crazy times would be the easiest way for me to define how my life has currently unfolding. Between prepping to move out west and arranging my entire life into a handful of boxes in order to best begin my new minimalist and/or crazed hippie lifestyle change, lets just say that shit is changing, and its changing fast.
In Lou of all this controlled insanity, one of the big areas of my life that has grown in interest (and importance) to myself is that of personal finance. I know that there are a million and one finance blogs on the Internet, and to be totally honest they all pretty much point to the exact same style of advice with only minor discrepancies. Since you are all more than capable of typing “personal finance blog” into google and walking into a cluster fuck of good resources, I will not bore you with the semantics of my financial endeavours. Instead I will offer the last route and direct you to some of my favorite quotes on finance by some of the most well respected gurus in the financial industry.
Have fun counting your pennies
If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.
John D. Rockefeller
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
Warren Buffett
Money is like an arm or leg – use it or lose it.
Henry Ford
In all realms of life it takes courage to stretch your limits, express your power, and fulfill your potential… it’s no different in the financial realm.
Suze Orman
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Bill Gates
My son is now an “entrepreneur.” That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job.
Ted Turner
A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
Henry Ford
Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Warren Buffett
If you’re not serving the customer, you’d better be serving someone who is.
Karl Albrecht
I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.
Mukesh Ambani
Always think outside the box and embrace opportunities that appear, wherever they might be.
Lakshmi Mittal

So I have been pondering something recently that I have seen time and time again, and it has been a reoccurring event in my recent trips to my new found fascination, restaurants. So as many of you know, I have been eating for health and vitality for over a year now, and my diet is constantly changing and evolving to better suit my needs of maintaining a sculpted physique while also not restricting my diet to nothing more than carrots and protein shakes. Currently I am what is known as an 80% raw foodist, or some other bullshit label that I really don’t care to associate with who I am as a person. Basically what it means is that I am a vegan (no meat, eggs, dairy, etc) and I eat lots of fresh, healthy, and uncooked foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Now because I am eating to maintain this lifestyle that I have grown so accustomed to, this diet has become more than that, it has penetrated the very essence of who I am and has become a lifestyle choice. I no longer crave butter laden; deep fried, or sugar encroached food of any nature. As a once said to a friend of mine, “If you put a bowl of fruit and a bowl or Doritos with ice cream in front of me, I will push the junk aside and devour the fruit without even having to second guess myself” So I know you are thinking that this is all fine and good, but what the hell does it have to do with restaurants, and more importantly, why is this a factor in people being afraid to ask for what they want at all?
Continue reading My Guide To Pissing People Off At Restaurants

Car packed
House cleared out of all minimalistic posessions
Moving back in with my rents
Another day in the life, but believe me when i tell you that this step is a very big one in the right direction, despite the fact that the last part of my checklist was entitled moving in with my parents, believe me when I say that I am not on the fast track to being a world of warcraft playing dungeon dweller living in my parents basement ;).
But alas I have been beyond the point of insanity and back these last couple fo days, and I am here to report that I have only lost a few limbs and maintained my sobriety throughout the whole process. So what the hell has been going on and why the hell should you even give a s$%^?
In a nutshell here has been my unbelievable living situation for the last two and a half years. I have been living (see squatting) a semi pack rat household with a plethora of colorful roommates all while under the guise of a landlady who has refused to accept my rent checks. Yes you read that right, I have not been paying rent (and even some utilities) for over two years. Now before you stone me to death with stories of mortgage payments and woes of high rise apartment costs in downtown Manhattan, bear in mind that this living situation has been far from plush, and overall has been nothing short of a a hilarious adventure that my mother described as, “the most disgusting house” she had ever set foot in. So moving beyond how I arranged that amazing living situation, lets get into the meat of the post.
As you can imagine, it would be fairly hard for anyone to pack up and get all of their shit out of a house where they had almost no obligations and no financial commitments and move to a city where their costs of living are literally going to triple what they were before, with no immediate change in discernible income. And that has been my dilemma ever since I returned from the USA tour of glory that I embarked on at the end of last summer. But a few months ago I realized something that I was right in front of my face the whole time. I needed to take some damn action
I know, I know. The kid who never shuts up about taking action actually is sitting here writing about how he didn’t take action in something as serious as this in his life? Well that fact of the matter was, all the other areas of my life I found relatively easy to create action in. Whether it was chatting up every girl with dark hair and a mini skirt, to going to the gym and eating right, to even getting all over my finances and putting an ever constant grin on my stupid face 24/7. All of that came very easy to me, but the one thing that was most important to me (getting the f$%^ out of Michigan) seemed to be the hardest button to push. Maybe it was because I had lots of friends and lovers here, and close family to depend on. Maybe it was simply the security of knowing that I could always be that much more safe in my low levels of personal change here in the Midwest instead of taking the dangerous and exciting plunge into a new area of with people and experiences. Really it didn’t matter, and I’m not one to reminisce and come up with an answer to every every angle imaginable. It still came down to me taking action
So I bit the bullet, made a move date and moved all the pieces together like a chess player on crack cocaine. Now as I sit here typing on my mothers laptop, writing another post for my website that I love so dearly, and admire my enormous white cat that looks as if she ate a tire, I know that all is right in my world. Will this big move work out like a giant rainbow of lollipops and gumdrops and where there indeed be a midget await me with a pot of gold? Probably not, but if there has been one thing that my life has taught me in all these years, its the tough moments as much as the fun moments that define who you are, and if life was one big uphill roller coaster, than shit, you would never have the fun of falling down.