What Are Your Goals For The New Year?


Maybe its just me, but this year seems to be the biggest year yet when it comes to motivation for getting shit done in my life that is important to who i am and what I want to become.

As a result, I have been working on and constantly developing a list of goals for this year and beyond (because having only short term goals is seriously a waste of time). As a result i have been developing a plethora of lists that will serve as launching pads for ideas and major action that I have been and will continue to take in my life. In a moment of triumph at the gym yesterday, I deiced that it would be epically awesome if I not only posted my latest revisions to my personal goals for this year, but to ask you guys what your big plans are for 2010+.

So just in case you are slacking and have not begun to work on your New Year’s resolutions or haven’t even made a list of goals for yourself, fear not, I will not be chasing you down the street with a pitchfork and torch in hand. I simply want you to read through my current list of goals for this year and see if maybe you can kick your brain out of its coma and figure out some of the things that you really want to do for yourself.

Continue reading What Are Your Goals For The New Year?

How Not To F@#$ Up Your 2010 Resolutions


So we are drawing close to the final stretch of this holiday season and 2009 will soon be behind us. As I have been browsing the web, I have begun to notice an all too familiar trend that occurs during the NYE week, everyone and their mother is setting goals/reflecting on the past year/talking about doing something amazing in 2010. This is all well and good, pushing your life to another level is the essence of being a human being and taking a moment to reflect on the past year and set new goals for the upcoming year is a great way to get your ass in gear after your hangover subsides this Friday. There is a problem however. Despite all the articles, TV advertisements, goal setting, resolutions, financial commitments, and you’re signing in blood of your soul to the devil himself, what is the ultimate outcome for most people and their New Year resolutions?

They crash and burn

Nearly every single person that I know, read about, see on TV, or read about in some arbitrary blog post will completely fall off the wagon within a month of now when it comes to following through on their New Year’s resolutions. Why does this happen? How is it that everyone who tries to loose weight, get a significant other, or even travel more, end up sitting on the couch or in front of the computer and wasting even more of their time then they did last year? It’s simple really

Continue reading How Not To F@#$ Up Your 2010 Resolutions

Post Christmas Coma


I hope all of you had an amazing first half to this holiday season. I know I had an amazing weekend full of family, friends, and amazing food that is still attached to my midsection.

I will have some great content before the New Years Festivites and then we will be back on the normal posting schedule once the holiday season comes to a close.

Here’s to you having an amazing New Years and a 2010 filled with total kickassness.



Eat Right This Christmas (Or Don’t at all)


Imagine for a moment the following scenario

You drive up to your annual family holiday event and walk through the front door into the warm embrace of friends and family. You are feeling pretty damn good, albeit form the awkward family member who always treats you in some ambiguous manner involving your cheeks, breaking your hands with a handshake, or some other gesture that involves pain or humiliation.

Right after you conquer this first hurdle, you notice a massive spread of appetizers in your immediate eyesight. You begin to drool and get into an all-but-brief food sex day dream where you imagine yourself stuffing your face with a plethora of cheeses, egg nog, crackers, and other delectable. Before you rush into the table you stop yourself and ask,

“Wait one of my goals for the New Year is to go in shape, eating all of this probably isn’t a good idea”

Sound advice you believe, but then you second guess yourself.

“A few pieces of cheese isn’t a big deal, I mean I am going to go to the gym on January 1st, errrrr rather maybe the second since I will be to hung-over on the 1st.”

And this is where the inevitable tipping point, or “@#$k it” comes into play. You decide to fully partake in all of the holiday eating and not only consume enough calories to last you two days, but also destroy your plan to get back in shape and healthy this coming year. Why does this happen? Why is it that every year there are millions of people across the world that create diets for the New Year and ultimately fail and reside themselves to a life buried inside of a Cheetos bag?

Continue reading Eat Right This Christmas (Or Don’t at all)

Live Curious


I found this ad campaign on one of the many creative website that I visit on a daily basis for inspiration and general awesomeness. National Geographic is touting a brand new ad campaign designed around the idea of living curiously, and this got me thinking about the importance of this in real life.

What does it mean to live curiously?

Well that is a topic that is fairly straightforward in my opinion. It simply means that you should live your life with your head up and mind open. It means trying new things and being open to experiences that are way outside your comfort zone. Living curiously is something that I would place in the top 10 most desirable characteristics to have as a person, and while everyone is born curious in this world, many people lock up as they get older in age.

But you don;t have to relegate yourself to a life of mediocrity and constant routine, you can bring curiosity into the mix whenever and wherever you want. You could drive by that museum that you always see on the way home from work and decide to take a risk and actually go inside of it. You could order that one thing on the menu that you have never tried at your favorite restaurant. You could even go on a hiking adventure in the amazon and try to find new species of plants that have yet to be discovered by human eyes. The options and potential are limitless.

But why should you give a shit? I mean why should you even care about trying something different or living your life with your eyes, mind, and heart open? The answer should be obvious, but if not ill reiterate the point.

Being curious is the essence of living

trying out new things, rolling the dice, mixing things up, whatever you want to call it, it is a critical part of your life. Am I saying that all routines are bad? Hell no! I have many routines that I stick to on a daily basis like going to the gym, reading, writing, and other set time frames when I absolutely force myself to do the same activity over and over again. The problem isn’t with routines, but rather when your whole life looks like that movie that TNT keeps playing over and over again. You need to recognize the human need to mix things up, even if it is just a little bit. I promise it wont hurt, and it will actually feel kind of great.

Cheers to mixing things up
