Ever wonder what a typical romantic relationship looks like in a graph?
Neither did I, until I saw this awesomeness from the internet hive mind
Like working for the man? Enjoy your drudging 9-5 lifestyle? Do you absolutely adore your round table discussions at the water cooler? Hell no. Anyone in there right mind wouldn’t want to sign up to do someone else’s bidding for the rest of their god forsaken lives. While sometimes you have to do what you need to do, other times it better to tell your boss to, “Piss Off!” That is why I am writing this post day, both in reparations for my lack of activity on this site and also to show everyone how kickass it can be to run your own small business. Everyone is good at something, even mentally handicapped sociopaths can be good at making models of cars. This means, that you too, have a talent that is not currently being unleashed in the world. Chances are you are not making money doing something that you love, or doing something that is tolerable but offers the lifestyle that you crave. Starting your own business is your Dr. Feelgood for this common cold. Don’t get me wrong, its a hell of a lot of work on the back end, but once you get going, you become a wrecking ball of productivity and accomplishments. Pretty soon everyone will be breaking your door down and offering you their first born son to take care of the things in there life that you find a walk in the park. So what the hell are you waiting for? Start doing something right now and stop doing all the work you hate so much. Cheers Gabriel One of the biggest things a person can struggle with is the notion of behaving in an ethical fashion. From an early age one is told to, “do the right thing” and “play by the rules” but what happens when a person is exposed to the underbelly of a situation? I remember reading about a study that stated that nearly any employee of a company would be willing to steal from their perspective companies in certain situations. Similarly I have read reports about people who took place in a study where they were placed in a room with a hundred dollar bill and no supervisor; they would consequently take the money over 80% of the time. Does this mean that all people are inherently bad? Does a McDonald’s employee taking money from the cash register as a felon to you? What if that same employee was working overtime for their supervisor and never receiving proper compensation week in and week out? Are they still in the wrong? On the same accord, there are people whom absolutely refuse to do anything that is even remotely considered immoral or unethical. These saint-like people take pride in the notion that they do no wrong towards anyone ever. Are these people better than the rest of us? Most would agree that even the most morally sound and ethical human being has done things that they regret, or taking bad action towards another. Would this same person refuse to steal a vaccine from a hospital if it meant saving their loved one’s life? The idea of ethics is a flexible concept at best, as it is human nature to seek to benefit oneself, especially when placed in a compromising situation with no potential for recourse, so why try to fight it? This is a question that has plagued minds since the dawn of civilization and has no precise answer. The bottom line is that every person is going to treat every situation that they deal with in a different way, some situations will result in certain people acting unethically while others play things by the book, so to speak. I have come to determine that no fault should be placed on anyone, for any particular situation. You should always try to do the right thing in your mind, and never go against the grain of what you believe in, and while every action you take may or may not be met with praise or discourse, you will feel sound in knowing that you have done the right thing for you. Morally sound Gabriel Check your fight club DVD more carefully and you might find this. Cheers Gabriel Sometimes cartoonists just fucking nail it |
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