What Not To Do After Thanksgiving


Honestly I saw this picture and almost vomited all over my screen. I know that these girls are not to blame for this utter bullshit but this definitely puts in a nail in the coffin for me that kids around the world need to be better educated about what goes on in life, and not just in their potentially perfect little bubbles around the world.

Here’s to changing the world, one step at a time


What the Hell is Thanksgiving All About?


(Faces will be stuffed come Thursday, be prepared to roll over and pass into comatose)

So I am sure that you are totally amped and ready for the coming turkey day in which people from all across the US will stuff their faces full of oh so delectable comfort food. Hell, even I on my 90% raw vegan diet fully plan on engorging myself and eating one massive meal on Thursday.  Earlier today while I was fantasizing about turkey and green beans swimming in a pool of mashed potatoes that will soon be my belly, I got to thinking what the hell Turkey day, Thanksgiving, or post hangover from the biggest drinking night of the year day is really all about.

Continue reading What the Hell is Thanksgiving All About?

7 of the Most Inspiring Videos On The Web


(Great photo despite its probable overused appearance on anything searched “inspirational” in google 😉 )

I am not the type of person who runs a website and runs around making re-postings of information that is already readily available to the masses, but in this case I am going to make an exception. Recently, on the social media networking site Mashable.com, I came across a posting that showcased 7 videos that all demonstrated to me how amazing awesome the human race is, and reaffirming the idea that people are not always being boring, inactive, and lame at life, but a lot of people really kick some serious ass and overcome some truly amazing obstacles in their own lives in order to hopefully set an example for the rest of us. Here are 7 Youtube videos that will hopefully serve as much inspiration to you as they did to me (hell maybe they will make this weekend one filled with productivity and totally amazing kickass adventures instead of a weekend filled with only college football, Doritos, and general lame ass behavior)

(from mashable.com)

1. William Kamkwamba: Harnessing the Wind

William Kamkwamba was 14 when he built a windmill from scrap parts in order to provide enough electricity to power 4 lightbulbs and 2 radios in his home in his tiny village in Malawi. Kamkwamba’s story first came into the global spotlight when he spoke at the TED conference. He recently did a followup TED talk.

Kwakwamba’s inspiring story teaches us to dream big.

2. Jason McElwain: Autistic Basketball Player

Autistic basketball player Jason McElwain spent most of his high school career cheering his team on from the bench as team manager — until the final 4 minutes of his final game as a senior. McElwain didn’t waste any of his opportunity to get in the game, pouring in 7 shots and finishing the game as high scorer.

McElwain, who never complained about being left off the roster, shows us that attitude is everything.

3. Cat Lainé: Empowering Local Communities

Cat Lainé, who is the Deputy Director at the Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group, talked at the BIF-4 conference last year about how she and her colleagues empower communities in developing nations to change from within. Lainé believes in using human capital already within local economies to solve problems and develop solutions that work locally.

Lainé teaches that solutions are often right in front of your nose.

4. Blake Mycoski: Creating Sustainable Charity

Blake Mycoski didn’t just want to start a charity to put shoes on the feet of children who needed them — he wanted to do something more sustainable, something that didn’t rely on asking for donations. So Mycoski started TOMS Shoes, a for-profit company that gives one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair they sell.

Mycoski’s inspiring message is about the necessity of innovative thinking.

(This one was not letting me embed it, likely due to hamsters stuck in the internet, just click on the title to be forwarded to the video)

5. Geoffrey Canada: Closing the Achievement Gap

According to Geoffrey Canada the American school system is broken when it comes to teaching children in inner-city schools, and most people wouldn’t disagree with him. But Canada’s inspiring approach to fixing the problem is something that no one before him had tried — a complete overhaul of the social infrastructure. Canada created a “conveyor belt” in a Harlem neighborhood that touches the lives of children and their families from birth through college.

Canada shows us that sometimes you have to take a radical approach.

6. Ben Underwood: Seeing While Blind

Ben Underwood was blind, but while he was alive, he got around almost as well as people who can see, and even played video games with his friends. That’s because he had done something that’s very unusual: Ben Underwood taught himself how to echolocate. Underwood trained his ears to listen for the echoes that tongue-clicking sounds that he produced made as they bounced back off of objects. He then processed that information to figure out where physical objects lie around him.

Though Underwood sadly passed away earlier this year, his inspirational story proves that no obstacle is insurmountable.

7. Lewis Gordon Pugh: Utilizing Extremes

Lewis Gordon Pugh has swum in every ocean in the world, and was the first person to swim at the North Pole, where the waters are below zero degrees centigrade (which is the freezing point for fresh water). Pugh uses his extreme swimming feats to shed light on issues of worldwide importance such as global warming.

Pugh teaches us that you should strive to push yourself to your limits.

Are You Weird?


(Click the awesome picture for a larger than life version, you know you want to)

So are you?

Do you do stupid things when no one is looking? Or wear your socks in different colors? Pretend your a ninja when your cleaning the house? Maybe you just love to sing in your car and you always make sure that you pick the worst songs ever for your karaoke adventures. Whatever weird, messed up, or crazy things you do, its these very things that make you a more unique and awesome individual.

I cant stand the bullshit of hearing people say things like, “Act your age”, “That guy is so weird”, “Ha look at that guy running around and laughing like an idiot, I wonder what drugs hes on”. You are lying if you haven’t been on the sending or receiving ends of comments just like these. Its not the comments themselves that bother me, because honestly who really gives a shit what other people think of you, its more so about how at that moment people feel as if they are more normal and above the weird person in question.

Who is anyone to judge someone for their habits or mannerisms? I bet if I had a hidden camera installed in your home, you would likely stop your constant reenactments of Tom Cruise in Risky Business in an effort to appear more normal and cool. I will be the first to admit that I am a very unique individual who most certainly acts and thinks outside of the norm on a daily basis. Whether I am singing in a bar or walking around my house naked, I do not apologize for who I am and the idiosyncrasies that separate me from the rest of the heard. Its these quirks that I choose to embrace, rather than shun, and in doing so I am more confident and powerful as a person.

So I ask again, what weird things define you? Take note of these seemingly retarded things that you do, and understand that everyone on this planet that is not a tight-ass has them, and secretly or openly loves doing them. By embracing the differences in yourself, you ultimately embrace the differences in others and will find a sense of joy the next time you are walking down the street and see a guy running around like a crazy lunatic with a huge smile on their face. While your coworkers or friends might scorn at them, you will only smile back.

Cheers to being weird


Lighting a Fire Under Your Ass: Adventure Life Edition


I have had people tell me for the last 5 years that I lead a fairly insane life, filled with all sorts of ridiculous stories, adventures, failures, and of course successes. What I always found interesting is that people would often talk about how, “They wish they could do that” or “They wish their lives were more fun”. It is at that moment that I see a flash of passion in these people’s eyes, like as if they could take over the world and be the master of whatever they damn well pleased, and then in another second its gone. It’s as if the minute they think about it, they dismiss it and go right back into eating their cheetos and wondering when 5:00pm is going to hit so they can bolt out of the door. So what is a person to do when they see a lifestyle that they want, but instead fall back into the same habitual patterns that will inevitably end with them pushing someone elses dream instead of their own?

They do something about it

Instead of admirning all these sports atars and hollywood douchebags, why not take some steps to making your life more liek theirs and thereby upgrade your life so you are that much more satisfied with whats going on around you?

Are you going to want to make any changes? Of course not, but you know that you need to take a chance and have an adventure in order to make any changes that you want in your life. So stop complaining and actually go out and do something about it, even if you totally f*^% it up a couple times youll soon realize that those mistakes will help better define you and lead you one step closer towards living the life that you want to live.

Be like the cartoon I posted at the top of this post, make your life more of an adventure by even the smallest fraction, and who knows, you could start a wheel in motion that will change your life so you have people chasing you down and telling you how awesome your life is.

And you’ll think, “Damn, my life is pretty fucking sweet”

Some weekend motivation for you
