I was stumbling across the Internet and came across this quote and was fairly mesmerized by it for a period of time. It struck me on a emotional and mental level unlike most mind numbing content I come across in my Internet escapades.
I love the simplicity and no bullshit approach the person took, and hope that more people can integrate this philosophy into their daily lives.
Keeping it K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid) today

(Great photo, for many obvious reasons)
Something very hilarious and seemingly disturbing is happening to people everywhere I turn. And I am not talking about a rise in people who think that Rush Limbaugh is going to blow a blood vessel on TV while making another drama filled speech or the people who seem to think that some celebrity winning or not winning some award is not that big of a (excuse me Gabriel, but Zen habits has the best personal development on the internet). It’s about people who are living for the next moment.
What does living for the next moment mean? It means that there has been a steady increase in people who are not happy now, but are living for what could or could not happen in the future. It’s what is commonly called,
“When I get what I want, I will be happy”
Now I know that you have heard this saying before, unless of course you have been living under a rock for the duration of your life and are just now finding out the literally amazing resource that is the internet porn…….er I mean Wikipedia and the mind numbing endless searches that can occur on Google.
Continue reading The Biggest Lie On The Planet
So I haven’t put up a good video in a while and just came across this one while being as productive as humanly possible surfing through YouTube.
Bill Hicks is a comedian who passed away a few years ago, and to be honest until I saw this video I had never heard of of him. When I found out that he was offensive to many and was supposedly a hilarious stand up comedian, my inner “rebel without a cause” was immediately intrigued. What I came into was this short but sweet clip that really should be edited down a bit more, but is filled with so much gold that Lucky from Lucky Charms cereal couldn’t stop me from gobbling up this great insight. His message is clear,
Life is Just a Ride
Everything has its ups and downs, and as much as we try to make something out of everything, it really is just a big ride. Hicks has pretty much summed up one of the guiding philosophies in my life, living life with nothing holding you back. Its all about living carefree and with love than with anger and discontent. Getting into the details of this would be a whole post in that of itself, but if you cant take life in strides and learn to go with the flow then I suggest that you watch this video, take a long hard look at yourself, and call me in the morning if you still have problems. Just remember that life is just a ride.

(Photo by rev_adan Now that looks like a awesome time, even if I don’t know what they are doing)
This is no time to joke around; it’s time to get to work. Why do you always act like such a child? Act your age. Be more mature. Take things seriously in life. This is no time to be goofing off.
Ever heard some of these phrases muttered at you? Or at least heard someone yelling them at some drunken moron who is literally lying across the bar hitting on a girl, right in front of his girlfriend. I am sure we have all seen it from time to time; people love to take things very serious in life. Every time people go to work, it’s time to be serious and get focused on your important memo writing. When you go to the gym to squeeze in a workout you dawn a look of absolute focus and refuse to even make eye contact with another person in the gym unless they are territory challenging you ;). When you get up out of bed and go to the toilet to take a crap, it is very serious time that requires immense focus and dedication.
Loosen the f$%^ up
One of the biggest fallacies in human existence, in my opinion, is taking life way to seriously. Like every moment that you run across has to have some over dramatic life changing undertone to it that if you don’t handle it with the up-most of care your whole life could come crumbling down in front of you like a 2 year old faced with Lincoln logs.
Am I saying that you should be at a funeral and jumping around trying to make a most of that? No, of course not, there is a time and place for everything in life, but being serious 80% of the time is not the answer. So what exactly are the implications involved with chilling out and having a bit more fun? Let’s get this party started and find out.
Continue reading Taking Life Less Seriously and Kicking Boredom’s Ass

(Photo by just.K)
Winnie the Pooh, the Bernstein Bears, Clifford, Dr. Seuss, Harold and the Purple Crayon, all of these are some of the most recognized and widespread stories that are read in an effort to get the children down for bed because its sex night at your residence.
Jokes aside, children books play an integral role in our society. They are used as stepping stones for children to learn, spark their imaginations, and ultimately help sculpt them into the people they will be in the future. But what happens after you’re too old for Winnie the Pooh? Does the idea of Harry Potter and some daring male vampire who runs around feasting on blood and making out with teenagers get your own, or your children’s juices flowing? Probably not (though I am sure it might get some other juices flowing for some of you sickos 😉 ).
Where am I going with this? The bottom line is that children’s books are often times more deep, creative, and insightful than that stack of Encyclopedia Britannica’s that you got form your Grandma when you were 12 and never opened even once, unless it was to lookup the word “sex”. As we age we cast aside these books, only to revive them at the pitter patter of our own children running around the household causing a ruckus.
But just what can a children’s book teach a old, educated, well rounded, cocky sob like you or me?
Continue reading What Children’s Books Can Teach Adults