(Photo by E.L.A, best cat photo ever)
We have all been there. The days when you roll out of bed and look at the clock, think about the days offerings, and simply want to curl back into a ball and do absolutely nothing. I don’t care if your Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Brad Pitt, or some other seemingly endlessly happy person that appears to have rainbows coming out of their ass 24/7, everyone has crappy days. While many people will simply try and motivate you and tell you how, “everything is going to be awesome”, that is, if you start thinking positively you will change your focus and realign the space time continuum and turn your day around in an instant. While that certainly is possible, chances are you are not experiencing one of the types of days I mentioned and are simply experiencing a day where you are choosing to be a lazy bum instead of a productive workhorse.
I would like to touch on how to tackle these full crap days and how to make the most of them. I will not be motivating you by telling you that everything is going to be alright, nor will I tell you to repeat some stupid mantra about how you are awesome and you can do anything. I simply want to share with you some advice that is realistic and not shitty.
What better what to get over a shitty day than with no bullshit advice?
Continue reading Having a shitty day? Hallelujah for You

(Photo by isayx3)
How many people do you know? Do you have a large group of friends or family or even lead the life of a polygamist? Maybe you just have a lot of Facebook friends and you’re damn proud of it. Either way, chances are you know a fair amount of people in the world
Now I am going to assume that by reading my website you are trying to changes in your life (I know I am), and if your not then let me direct you to the perfect world section of your local library you lucky sob. Regardless of whether you are trying to make big changes or small changes, chances are you are in need of tools in order to best help you make these shifts in your life. While I am not speaking of running to your garage and grabbing a vacuum cleaner to suck out fat in an effort to loose weight, I am advocating making use of your large collection of friends that you have.
How can my friends help me do X,Y,Z?
Simply put, there is a damn good chance that your friends have access to knowledge or resources in the areas of their lives that you simply don’t have. Maybe you know a nutritionist, a hockey player, an artist, the list goes on and on. The amazing thing is that despite their own contacts, people constantly bitch about not having the right resources to make the changes in their lives. I want to talk about tapping into the unlimited and powerful information powerhouse that is your social circle and picking their brains in order to better help make powerful changes in your own life.
Lets jump into the rabbit hole a bit
Continue reading The Idiots Guide to Using the Experts in Your Life

(Photo by Philipp Klinger)
I love architecture, I am a closet dork for looking at buildings, furniture, bridges, and pretty much anything that is more structure and usable than a typical piece of art. There is something about looking at a piece of art that is being utilized that jump starts my interests faster than seeing a sexy brunette in little black dress.
While the artists offered us direct forms of creativity and appreciation, architects offered us something that we could use. While much architecture is taken for granted across the world, there is no denying that these brilliant minds who made some of these amazing structures had some serious insight into the human mind and how we live our day to day lives.
So in their honor, here is a selection of quotations from architects who may not just make your chair, car, and skyscraper, but also might construct some inspiration and motivation the next time you are slumming around in your life
Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.
-Daniel Burnham
Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
-Addison Mizner
And sometimes I’m criticized. But I think that if those who criticize us will look at the reason why the shape is this, well then, I think that they would not object so strenuously.
-Minoru Yamasaki
Life always rides in strength to victory, not through internationalism… but only through the direct responsibility of the individual.
-Frank Lloyd Wright
When we dream alone it is only a dream, but when many dream together it is the beginning of a new reality.
-Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Less is more.
-Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Be not afraid of being called un-fashionable.
-Adolf Loos
Life deprived of beauty is not worthy of being called human.
-Luis Barragan
Men can do all things if they will.
-Leon Battista Alberti

(Photo by aixcracker, a fitting photo for the future fury that will become this website)
Big changes are in store for this site, changes that will take it from a Dungeons and Dragons basement dweller to a full fledged version of Arnold Schwarzenegger back when he was kicking ass in predator
The first step in this stage is offering free help to all those who are asking for it (or even ones that might be to afraid to make some serious changes).
I want to help people make their life less of a drudgery and more of an adventure, and ultimately help people LIVE their dream instead of having erotic fantasies about it
All jokes aside, this is 100% Real and not bullshit
I want nothing in return from this. Zero, zilp, zlitch, nothing.
Why? Because I think its times people started giving something back with expecting nothing in return, instead of the constant headhunting game of only doing things when there is something in it for you, aka the you scratch my back ill scratch yours
I hate that, and I am here to make a change
Check out the page by either clicking at the top or following this link
Looking forward to having people unload on me with problems, ideas, insight, and plans for future adventures
Everyone on this planet wants to act, feel, be treated, and look like a celebrity?
And on the surface who wouldn’t? Between the drug ODs, million dollar mansions, lack of personal life, a car for every day of the year, and overall schizophrenic personalities, the life of a celebrity is certainly what I dream of 😉
But praise and trash talking aside, many celebrities have one thing down that everyone can’t deny looks so good, they want a piece of it themselves
The celebrity body
I too fell prey to the masses when I first laid glance on celebrity Mark Wahlberg’s early work for Calvin Klein and saw how ridiculously in shape he was. I was envious, and I wanted it for myself

This photo remained on my motivational board for the longest time, and served as a constant imagery for the type of body I was trying to sculpt when I was going to the gym 6 days a week and eating nothing but chicken breasts and celery sticks
My end result you might ask? See for yourself

I got lean as shit (and my muscles aren’t nearly as fuzzy, my phone camera is just terrible 😉 ), and brought my body full circle, and the whole adventure from taking my body from a stick figure to a powerhouse was just some candyland ride down memory lane right?
Do you believe that celebrities are blessed with faster metabolisms, or have access to better tools to help them loose weight? Of course they don’t, they have to go through the exact same bullshit that we do in order to get down to such ridiculous weights and look so damn lean in front of the camera for their next Jerry Bruckheimer flick
This means that you can look as good, or better, than any celebrity of your choosing, as long as you are willing to make a commitment to getting in better shape
This post is not about developing some over-marketed workout plan that involves aci berries, colon cleanses, and a non carb diet (don’t worry that crap is a short Google search away 😉 ), it is simply serving as a reference for you in your fitness and health endeavors
I have found a selection of workout plans that famous celebrities go through in order to look the way they do, some are diet based and others are workout based. And while some of these plans are better than others (looking at Mark Wahlberg s total lack of cardio) the underlying factor is that all of them step up and made a decision to look as good as they do, and it is directly reflected in their diets and exercise routines
Lets dig in shall we?
Continue reading Get in Shape like Shaq (Kickass Celebrity Workouts)