Coming Full Circle: My Life In Kick Ass Version 2.0


(Photo by Nikki Jane)

Well I have finally arrived back home after about 30 days on the road touring the many ins and outs of the USA

Part of me never wanted to come back and stay on the road forever

Though another part of me wanted to get home so I could have time to focus and completely annihilate every new goal that I have come to develop throughout the course of this trip

I met so many people from all across the world on this trip, and I truly had more than enough encounters with strangers and friends in order for me to gain a better perspective on who I am as a person

And this perspective is looking damn good

Some of the things that I have planned for the next 30 days or so include the following:

1) Open water scuba diving certification

2) Chauffeurs license

3) Personal trainer certification

4) TESL teaching certification

5) Motorcycle endorsement

6) Buy a internet business

7) Finish a screenplay and a script for a TV show

8 ) Learn to cook elaborate and healthy foods

9) Speak to high school students about personal development

10) Self publish and finish my first book

This is just a sample, but it is a good start

I have gained a vast amount of leverage on myself, and I will use this elverage in order to propel my life into the stratosphere, I have goosebumps just thinking about it…….

Coming soon to a theater near you

A beautiful and amazing relationship, all the passive income you could ever want, ultimate freedom to do what you want, when you want to, life on steroids

This is the future of my life and the future of yours as well

Great things are coming, and I can’t wait to make you all a part of it as well


5 Delicious Diet Foods That Don’t Taste Like Crap

Everyone dreads the single word that stems from getting in better shape and stopping their midnight runs to burger king


That one word strikes more fear into the hearts of aspiring health aficionados than any other aspect of getting in shape

Most people assume that you need to be a health nut, vegan touting, tofu eating tree hugger in order to get six pack abs or drop your love handles a few notches

This couldn’t be farther from the truth

I eat some of the most delicious food I can imagine, food that you can find in nearly any major restaurant chain, or even favorite dessert spot, and put them down like cake would go at a fat camp

I want to show everyone 8 foods that I eat that are not only delicious, but are a big step towards getting the body of your dreams

Continue reading 5 Delicious Diet Foods That Don’t Taste Like Crap

3 Easy Steps to Achieving Personal Freedom


(Photo by Krish Tipirneni)

No college degree

Or high school diploma

Or job experience

Can prepare you for real life when it starts up

I recently graduated college in May of 2009 and while I have always been living a life of what I thought to be, total freedom, I realized that I had barely hit the tip of the iceberg in all of my travels

No job, school, or life experiences can prepare you for the limitless freedom that you have once you are free of most major responsibilities and have no binding ties to your place of birth

Want to know what is so kickass about this idea?

Everyone, even you with the full time job and two kids have limitless freedom at your fingertips

You just need to know how to tap into it

Continue reading 3 Easy Steps to Achieving Personal Freedom

Cut the But Outta Life: Making Big Decisions


(Photo by Jearvi)

Move to a new city

Get Married (or Don’t)

Quit a job

At certain points in our lives, we are faced with decisions that are of a far greater magnitude than deciding what whether we should visit Arbys or McDonalds

I’m talking about decisions that have an immediate and drastic impact on your life, the kinds of decisions that many people are afraid of making

In order to make big decisions in your life, you need to have the right resources in order to make sure you make the RIGHT decisions in your life, and make them with such authority that you will feel that much more alive and never think, “what could have been?”

Continue reading Cut the But Outta Life: Making Big Decisions

Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review


Music, dancing, breaking old patterns, changing your life, getting naked (maybe that was just me)

The Anthony Robbins conference was a truly unique and positive experience, mixed with emotions that resemble something of a daytime soap opera

The whole experienced lasted 50 hours and ran across 4 days, essentially a life overhaul in a single weekend for the bargain price of $500

So was it worth it? Did it drastically improve my life? Did I drink the Anthony Robbins Kool-Aid and become a cult member?

Continue reading Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review