5 Motivational Songs to Kick Start Your Day

Here is a list of 5 songs that really help me get into the right frame of mind for doing the things that I know need to be done in order to improve my life. Whether I am at the gym and need to push myself to the next level, getting the extra push to try something I normally wouldn’t have any part of, or want to lose myself in the rush of the music as it cascades over my eardrums; here are some of the songs that get the job done right.

Tiesto – Just Be

Lyric Sample

“You can travel the world
But you can’t run away
From the person you are in your heart
You can be who you want to be
Make us believe in you
Keep all your light in the dark
If you’re searching for truth
You must look in the mirror
And make sense of what you can see”

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What Everyone Ought to Know About Ambivalence


(Photo by China Doll)

What a glorious day!

When is this day going be over with?

People tend to have mixed emotions in regards to many areas of their lives

From friends to family, relationships to work, and everything in between, people seem to have roller-coaster reactions to the many things that happen in our day to day lives

This roller-coaster is not in fact a new attraction that you can find at Six Flags, but rather it is a state of mind known as ambivalence

What is ambivalence? Why should I care? Wouldn’t I rather be on a rollercoaster for fun than living in one?

Continue reading What Everyone Ought to Know About Ambivalence

5 Dieting and Workout Myths You Need to Know


Everyone wants to be in the best shape possible, whether they want to fit into that size 2 dress, feel sexier for their partner, look better at the beach, or simply get healthier, dieting and getting in shape are on the minds of more people now that its summer time

People have all sorts of ideas when it comes to losing weight, some claim to have the diets or the workout plans that can make them look like the next Hugo boss model, and others have a pill or video tape that will cause them to “burn fat while watching tv” ;).  While some ideas I have heard are good, a vast majority of them caused my mouth to hit the floor faster than if Brook Burns walked past me naked

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Change Your State in 7 Minutes

In honor of my upcoming trip to San Jose, CA for the Anthony Robbins Unleash The Power Within seminar, I thought it would be appropriate to put up a clip showing a taste of what his 50 hour (yes that is not a typo, it is 10-12 hours a day for 4 days straight) conference will be like for me. This conference will give me many of the tools necessary for me to be more effective with helping people in their daily lives, help gain the tools to further get more of what I want out of life, and serve as a template for some AMAZING content I have planned for this website that you all will find useful

In this video, Anthony Robbins talks about what you focus on and how it can have drastic effects on the quality of your life

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Meditating


(Photo by Vramak)

When people talk about meditation, the first thing that comes to many people’s mind is a person  in a room filled with candles, incents, and sitting in a very awkward position, with their eyes closed, no movement, and for long periods of time.

While this may be true for many people, it is about as far from what typically mediation looks like as possible

You can mediate sitting down, in the shower, relaxing outside, or even in your own bed.

But the various stigmas associated with mediation tend to dismay them from giving it a shot, dismissing it as some “bullshit” that wouldn’t be something they would do, or something that hippies do after they take part in some “recreational” drugs 😉

I am here to tell you that meditation is “in”, and spending just a few moments a day to relax and clear your head can have serious benefits for your life

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