Live to Work or Work to Live?


My whole life I have struggled with the concept of finding work that I love. A career that would never feel like I had to get up in the morning for, but rather something that I ponder,

“How the hell am I getting paid to do this?”

I had fleeting glimpses into this dream lifestyle; I met people like Anthony Bourdain, whom has my dream job in a nice little package from the Travel Channel, and I started to wonder how I too could get paid to ransack with locals and get into international escapades on someone else’s dime.

And a job just like that is still the wet dream of my adulthood, every step I take is one step closer to being an international jet setter living out of a suitcase with an eye full of adventure.

But, in the meantime, I realized that I couldn’t quite survive on my dashing internet presence and devastating good looks, I had to either become a gigolo or separate my job from my identity, hence my freelance business (, my random part time jobs that pay me to talk to people, and my monetized websites that are scattered across the four corners of the internet.

What I do isn’t exactly what I love, but it at least creates a separation of church and state that allows me to be ample in the most valuable commodity of all, time.

Essentially it boils down to the following,

a) I want my job to be an important part of my Identity. I want to enjoy the prestige, lifestyle, money and trappings of my job and want to talk to other people about what I do. I ask other people what they do and I evaluate them (even just a little) based on their answers. It would be great to be the boss or be an Important Person in my industry. If I lost my job I might feel ashamed and would try to get back into it with improved focus!

b) I do not care if my job is a part of my Identity. I have many interests and am always doing something new in my spare time. I would like to keep a boundary between my life outside work and my time spent at work. I want my job to provide me with enough money so that I can do the things I love to do when I’m not working. I enjoy time over money. The things I most enjoy in life are not easily commodifiable or are not associated with lucrative incomes.

So I propose to you a question, your job is your life, or life is your job? There is no wrong answer, but own up to what you want to do and just fucking do it.

I am a commodity.


Zen Flow Chart


The Moral High Ground

At last it is time to reveal to an unwitting world the great game of Moral High Ground. Moral High Ground is a long-playing game for two players. The following original rules are for one M and one F, but feel free to modify them to suit your player setup:

1. The object of Moral High Ground is to win.

2. Players proceed towards victory by scoring MHGPs (Moral High Ground Points). MHGPs are scored by taking the conspicuously and/or passive-aggressively virtuous course of action in any situation where culpability is in dispute.

(For example, if player M arrives late for a date with player F and player F sweetly accepts player M’s apology and says no more about it, player F receives the MHGPs. If player F gets angry and player M bears it humbly, player M receives the MHGPs.)

3. Point values are not fixed, vary from situation to situation and are usually set by the person claiming them. So, in the above example, forgiving player F might collect +20 MHGPs, whereas penitent player M might collect only +10.

4. Men’s MHG scores reset every night at midnight; women’s roll over every day for all time. Therefore, it is statistically highly improbable that a man can ever beat a woman at MHG, as the game ends only when the relationship does.

5. Having a baby gives a woman +10,000 MHG points over the man involved and both parents +5,000 MHG points over anyone without children.

A friend and her bf developed Moral High Ground during their relationship, and it has given them years of hilarity. Straight coupledom involves so much petty point-scoring anyway that everyone involved is already an expert.

By making a private joke out of incredibly destructive gender programming, MHG releases a great deal of relationship stress and encourages good behavior in otherwise trying situations, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun

Play and enjoy!

Coming of Age

There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to suck it up and fall down the rabbit hole

This can meaning anything from embarking on an unsettling adventure to pulling the trigger on your comfortable job for something completely outside your comfort zone.< Since today we are nearly all blessed with out the constant threat of an animal ready to rip out our jugular or at risk from being killed by the tribe leader for giving the slip to the most attractive woman in the tribe, you can pretty much bet that you can do whatever the hell you want with little fear of consequences. This isn't a pledge to commit mass homicide against Justin Bieber's, but rather an understanding that your new passage for becoming a true man might involve something as simple as telling your boss to, "fuck off" Its like embarking on a gold digging crusade, except you might very well walk out without your whip and fedora with a beautiful blond under your arms. It has to be done though, you have to grow the hell up and do things that no one else agrees with, that your parents hate, your girlfriend fumes about, and any other social pressure to prevent you from doing something you know you were born to do. Being a man means doing the things that are important, and if you don't you might as well stay home and read about playboy bunnies instead of being wit you. Come of age, and grow the fuck up. Gabriel

Screw You Tsunami

This picture says it all, and proves that perseverance  and a light hearted attitude can make any situation worth living in.


Plus it s a big fuck you to the Tsunami