Weight gain is an issue that the world as a whole is having trouble dealing with, and in certain countries such as the United States obesity is overcoming such killers as cancer as the leading cause of death amongst its inhabitants.
One of the fundamental reasons I believe that people have trouble with their weight, whether they are trying to lose it or gain it, is a lack of good information. There is such an overwhelming amount of information in regards to weight control and the means to stay healthy, but most people have had their minds flooded with advertisements and bad information that they chose the easiest or logical point of purchase option possible, like eating a Market Fresh Turkey Sandwich at Arbys that has over 700 calories and 27 grams of fat in an attempt to eat healthier!
People are simply not being properly informed, and I hope to change that
I will be posting many articles in the future that debunk many dieting and weight loss/gain myths and show you the healthiest and best possible route to get you in the best shape of your life, both mentally and physically
If you are looking to get in shape and eat better please read Now You Can Eat Great and Get In Shape and Get Your Dream Body In 20 Minutes a Day which outline my workout habits and my eating habits that lead to your maximum health and fitness that you desire
This posting discusses eating habits and how they relate to obesity rates, which I originally discovered in an article in Men’s Health magazine
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts analyzed the eating habits of 500 men and women in order to determine possible connections between the way people eat and weight gain. What they found was very interesting to me so I thought I would share it
So as you can see, following all of the right eating habits that decrease your risk of obesity can drastically improve your health, with even such simple tasks as eating a midday snack or eating your breakfast. So pickup a snack, eat your breakfast, and let me know how these tips work for you