Lose More Weight With These Simple Guidelines


Weight gain is an issue that the world as a whole is having trouble dealing with, and in certain countries such as the United States obesity is overcoming such killers as cancer as the leading cause of death amongst its inhabitants.

One of the fundamental reasons I believe that people have trouble with their weight, whether they are trying to lose it or gain it, is a lack of good information. There is such an overwhelming amount of information in regards to weight control and the means to stay healthy, but most people have had their minds flooded with advertisements and bad information that they chose the easiest or logical point of purchase option possible, like eating a Market Fresh Turkey Sandwich at Arbys that has over 700 calories and 27 grams of fat in an attempt to eat healthier!

People are simply not being properly informed, and I hope to change that

I will be posting many articles in the future that debunk many dieting and weight loss/gain myths and show you the healthiest and best possible route to get you in the best shape of your life, both mentally and physically

If you are looking to get in shape and eat better please read Now You Can Eat Great and Get In Shape and Get Your Dream Body In 20 Minutes a Day which outline my workout habits and my eating habits that lead to your maximum health and fitness that you desire

This posting discusses eating habits and how they relate to obesity rates, which I originally discovered in an article in Men’s Health magazine

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts analyzed the eating habits of 500 men and women in order to determine possible connections between the way people eat and weight gain. What they found was very interesting to me so I thought I would share it


So as you can see, following all of the right eating habits that decrease your risk of obesity can drastically improve your health, with even such simple tasks as eating a midday snack or eating your breakfast. So pickup a snack, eat your breakfast, and let me know how these tips work for you

5 Reasons Why Smiling Can Change Your Life


(Photo by flickrgrit)

One of the most powerful assets in our ability to change our health, mind, and vitality can be found in something that we do every day

A smile

A smile not only looks good on anyone, but has many benefits that many people are not aware of that can help lead to a more fulfilling and positive lifestyle. Here are 5 major reasons to smile wide and often.

1.       Smiling makes you more attractive

A good smile is something that men and women like to see in their partners.  It communicates all the right messages about you and shows the opposite sex that you are certain in who you are as a person, a very sexy quality to anyone. If you don’t smile people will tend to not even give you a second look at the bar, as there are typically other people who seem to be having all the fun and smiling like a small child in a candy store. Get your smile on and watch the opposite sex be drawn to you.

2.       Smiling changes your state of mind

Smiling changes your physiology or the positioning and state of your body. It has been scientifically proven that changing your physiology at any given moment can help to shift your state of mind radically, from depressed to happy and from angry to calm. By smiling in any given situation you are changing your physiology and effectively telling your brain to feel good, and even if you are grinning like a maniac for no reason in the most arbitrary of situations, you will find that your mental state will shift to something positive. Next time you aren’t feeling so grand, crack a smile and watch your state shift.

3.       Smiling is contagious

Just like yawning, smiling is contagious to other people. Haven’t you been in a situation where everyone is calm in a room and someone comes in and tells a joke with big smile on their face and instantly everyone in the room has a big grin on their face (even if the joke was not so great). It because smiling is a contagious physical state that can transfer onto others through unconscious social mirroring. People tend to act like the other people they are around, so you can effectively start the “feel good” revolution whenever you want and start smiling at your next business meeting and watch your stubborn boss crack a smile as everyone else in the world is feeling good.

4.       Smiling is healthy

Smiling is not only beneficial for your state of mind, but has many positive aspects for your health. It has been proven that smiling can reduce stress as it helps prevent you from looking and feeling tired and overwhelmed. Every time you smile your immune functions increase as a direct result of your relaxed state of mind, which leads to a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. When you smile, you also release endorphins, pain killers, and varying levels of serotonin that help make you healthier and feel better.

5.       Smiling makes you look younger

Every time you smile, your face muscles lift and make a person appear younger.  A British study conducted found that men rated smiling women younger than frowning ones, even if those who frowned were actually younger. People associate smiling with feelings such as joy, youth, and vitality so when you smile you give an appearance of a younger more vibrant self. Not to mention to frowning actually leads to the appearance of more wrinkles.

So get out there and smile, you could effectively be sexier, feel better, spread joy, be healthier, and even look younger just for showing your teeth a little bit more.

2 Simple Rules For Accomplishing More In Less Time


(Photo by Badboy69)

“I never have enough time to do everything I want to do!”

Ever hear that before? Everyone has been through that at least one time in their life (usually lots of times)

Time management is one of the trickiest things to deal with in life

The who, what, when, where and why of our daily activities can overbear us and cause us to miss manage our time at work, with family, and with friends, thereby causing conflicts and ultimately conflict in our lives

I just finished rereading “The Four Hour Work Week” By Tim Ferriss and thought I would touch on some of his great time management ideas

In order to be better at time management, you need to be able to accomplish more in less time, and spend less time figuring out if Suzie in cubicle 113A just went to the tanning salon yesterday

There are simple rules that if followed will allow you to accomplish more of the things you need to do, in less time, and give you more time to spend doing the things you really love to do

Continue reading 2 Simple Rules For Accomplishing More In Less Time

Music and Life

Do you love the end result in the things you do in life?

Do you live for the outcome or the process?

Alan Watts is a philosopher who paved the way for many of the big names in philosophy we are familiar with today

In one of his seminars he discusses the relations between music and life and the possibilities for life to blossom when our focus shifts from the end to the now

Take a look at this entertaining animated clip of his seminar

Simple Tips To Go On An Exotic Vacation For Next to Nothing


(Photo by Giuseppe Finocchiaro)

Paris, Sydney, London, Hawaii, Greece

Everyone dreams of traveling to the most exotic locations on the planet with the idea of beautiful white sand beaches under their feet. Or the chance to drink fine wine under the Eiffel tower during the moonlight

A trip up north or to the town a few hours away just doesn’t cut it sometimes

But the problem I hear most when I ask people why they don’t travel to the places they really want to visit is unanimous

“Its way to expensive for me to do that”

I have successfully traveled all around many parts of the western world, and am currently in plans to take a trip across Europe for three months visiting all the spectacular museums, lavish restaurants, and colorful nightlife

I am able to do it with student loans breathing down my checking account, very little money to my name, no 9-5 job salary, and I want to show you how

Continue reading Simple Tips To Go On An Exotic Vacation For Next to Nothing