Spend Less Money and Still Buy the Things You Love

Many people in society today tend to have loose spending habits

They see something they want, and they purchase it

While there is nothing wrong with buying the things your desire, the problem comes at the end of the month when you receive a credit card statement that makes you consider committing arson to your home for the insurance claim

Fear not

I have recently been enlightened with a simple method for you to buy the things you love, without breaking the bank

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A Life Of Significance


Yesterday I had the pleasure of walking down the aisle

No not marriage, not for a while 😉

But rather commencement for graduation from college

At the commencement, there were many speakers, all of which made heartfelt speeches telling myself and the rest of the college graduates how we represent the future of society and that in order for us to leave our mark we need to do something great with our lives and make a difference in the world.

The event got me thinking, everyone at the commencement was tossing around grandesque phrases like, “leave your mark”, “do something meaningful”, “make an impact”, “be SIGNIFICANT”

I found me asking myself,

“What does it mean to be significant?”

A mark on society, a life after death, is something that all of us seek. People like to feel that their life was somehow valued and impacted the lives of others, because it means that they will be remembered and make them feel significant in the world. Having a level of significance in your life makes you feel more loved, cherished, and adds a level of meaningfulness to their lives that may have been previously missing.

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The Weekly Challenge – Meet New People

Every week I am going to post a challenge for everyone

Every challenge will be different, though they will all equally challege you in different areas of your life

I will also be doing the challenge, and I hope you will post your comments about what happened on the blog

The goal of these challenges is to expand your comfort zone, and better equip you with better skills neccessary to exceed in life

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Simple Steps To Feeling Good

Some people are constantly challenged by the notion feeling good all the time

While many people may read affirmations to themselves, or surround themselves with sex, drugs, or alcohol, the simple notion of feeling good more than a few hours a day seems to escape many people

While there are different steps on the path to happiness, many people neglect the simplest notion of maintaining a healthy and positive routine that would be simple to implement and would offer immediate positive results

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For Love Or Money, Working The Right Job

“My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Everyone has work that they do

Some people might be an accountant that crunches numbers; others might be an artist who splatters paint on a canvas

Even if you don’t have a typical “job” everyone has their work and puts a ample amount of time into it

I recently was being giving a lift by a friend of mine when we started talking about work and why people work the jobs they do

Let me first begin by saying that this friend’s job is that of an enterprise rent a car driver

His job is to drive customers to and from the enterprise rental location

He does this 40 hours a week

Now some people might look at this job and ask, “why? Isn’t there some other job that pays more/has more perks/is more distinguished?”

Continue reading For Love Or Money, Working The Right Job