I ran across this great post in between the droves of internet porn and youtube kitten videos. It essentially captures my thoughts from right after I first considered the notion of killing myself many years ago and graps a sliver of my headspace as it is now.
I highly recommend that everyone, including the non suicidal read this post and take heed its advice. That is, if you want to make your life feel like its on steroids.

Everyone seems to be losing their shit over Charlie Sheen and some bullshit that no one really cares about.
Hell, I don’t even know what the hell he even did to cause this whole media gangbanging, but I do know that Charlie Sheen is winning.
Why do you ask?
Because you all give a shit and he doesn’t.

The key to being right minded in this world is to stop giving a fuck. The minute you stop giving a fuck is the exact same minute that your life will become so much better.
From not getting that perfect job to having the perfect girlfriend, the minute you can let everything go and start acting a little more like Charlie Sheen is when your life will get that much better.
By understanding that nothing else matters and deciding to live his life by his own code of conduct, Charlie Sheen is already miles above the people criticizing him for his rampant lifestyle. I am sure he is fully aware of the debauchery that is his life, and he likely loves the fact that he is getting paid for being a complete retard in the eyes of the nation.

Just don’t decide to run around and bang strippers and do pounds of coke and your life will likely still be in order. Actually, scratch that, if you do decide to get knee deep in a coke habit give me a call and ill provide an ample intervention.
Kicking ass like Charlie Sheen

It’s easy for you to sit it out, wait until someone tells you its okay to make a move.
Taking your time is just another way to delay the inevitable, a slow death by indecision.
Having indecision will seep into every aspect of your life; it will spread like a plague until you are immobilized by inaction.
But you can stop it, strike at the heart of the problem.
Leave time behind, and relish in the feeling of action
All you need to do is decide
Thanks Seth

Lately I have felt like my life is trying to box me into a figment of my aspirations for the epic tale that I am trying to weave. It’s almost as if my dream lifestyle is getting a strong case of claustrophobia and the only antidote is a needle worth of adrenaline.
I live for this adrenaline; it’s the juice of my life. New experiences, meeting new people, going on fantastic spontaneous adventures, I need all of it like a slop dripping IV or I feel as if my life is falling apart around me.
That being said, the world around me is constantly trying to box me in, offering simple labels for who I am and what I can be. Whether it’s a job title, a friendship, relationship, or even family, everyone around me seems content in the notion of mediocrity. Unfortunately for all of us, mediocrity is worse than death for yours truly.
Don’t get me wrong, if you want to work a 9-5 job, have a white picket fence, kids, go out to dinner on Friday nights, and curse the day you were a child, then by all means sign up for that lifestyle. Its easy, and nearly everyone can get something out of such a decision. To me, I would rather live by the fly of my seat, not knowing where my next paycheck is coming from, how I am going to get food, or where I am going to stay before I have to get on a plane to head to the next location.
Could this lifestyle backfire? Possibly, I could end up dead in a ditch somewhere, but that notion doesn’t really bother me much.
Simply living life, “just because” sounds like the single worst concept I have ever heard of. Sure, there is something to be said for enjoying the moment for what it is, and staying positive, both of which are concepts that I hold true to my heart. Though, at some point, you have to take a step back, look at your life, and say, “What the fuck man?”
I say screw the box, do exactly what you want to do because you never know when you will die or how long it will take for your master plan to actually come into fruition.
Life is too short to not have a good time.
Listening to my own advice

I love the little bald bastard that is Seth Godin, he always brings such ingennious and simple concepts to the table that help to increase the smart level of my days. Today I was fluttering through my smartphone, rolling my eyes at the numerous blogs that I read that have become monotonus and droll with their rehashed articles and sob stories about stupid bullshit that no one cares about when I came across Seth’s feed.
Seth’s feed always gets my full attention because more often than not, he writes at least 4-5 solid articles in a given week, with a couple a month being real show stoppers.
When I was reading through his blog, I came across this article that he called “Cashing the Check”. It really spoke to me as it talked about people who droll on about their limitations and spend no time taking action in their life, and we all know how much I hate people who complain, and especially how much I cant even fathom sympathizing with a person who doesn’t take action.
I was struggling for a topic to write about today, but this one seemed to literally take the words right out of my mouth so I decided to unleash it in all its glory on my very own site.
Plagerism? Laziness? Poor taste?
Like I give a damn, you need to read this.
A check in your wallet does you very little good. It represents opportunity, sure, but not action.
Most of us are carrying around a check, an opportunity to make an impact, to do the work we’re capable of, to ship the art that would make a difference.
No, the world isn’t fair, and most people don’t get all the chances they deserve. There are barriers due to income, to race, to social standing and to education, and they are inexcusable and must fall. But the check remains, now more than ever. The opportunity to step up and to fail (and then to fail again, and to fail again) and to continue failing until we succeed is greater now than it has ever been.
As Martin Luther King Junior spoke about a half a lifetime ago,
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity. The tide in the affairs of men does not remain at flood — it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, “Too late.”
Well said Seth