Life is to short to not have a good time
Is there really any explaining of this?
For all of the bullshit than can and will happen to you in your life, life is way to short to ever allow anyone or anything to put you in the poor disposition.
I say to hell with them all and feel like a million dollars all of the time, from funerals to akward bed ridden moments, you should always be having a good time because you ever know when you are going to die, so why not live it up and enjoy the hell out of every moment you have?
I know I will

1. You MUST beast on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
2. You may rest on Sunday, like God, because Beast is the God. You may also rest on Monday.
3. You may Cherish on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.
4. You may Day2 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
5. If you do not Cherish or Day2, you MUST beast on Tuesday and Wednesday.
These are the Beast Rules, and I am in love.
Thanks Jeff

Do you want to know what pisses me off?
People who bitch and moan
Do you want to know what causes scrapes against the chalkboard of my mind?
People who bitch and moan and don’t do anything about it
Anyone can complain, hell, most of the people in the world are experts about passing blame, acting like little bitches, crying for nothing, filing lawsuits, causing a domino field to collapase, and generally being a total bastard about anything the rubs against the grain of who they are.
Go ahead and try it, follow the herd and complain about everything, see how it feels to talk shit about anything and everything.
Does it feel empowering? Are you having a good time? Does your life now have meaning?
Once the facade of living a life of significance leaves, you will be left with an empty shell of a life with the only resolution being found at the bottom of a fifth of vodka.
Try manning up, try being strong, growing a pair, enjoying life, keeping your mouth shut from negativity, and any other lame ass metaphor you have seen on one of the million personal development websites. Then, just maybe, you will start to realize how much time you have wasted and how much more fun you can get out of life.

Nearly everyone, at some point in their life, decides that it would be prudent to write their memoirs and get them published as a means of substantial passing before they are gone from this world.
Fame, power, nostalgia, lust, nearly any reason can be given for writing about one’s past, but the real question is, who really cares?
Sure, your friends, family, and your distant cousins might have some feign interest in reading about your life, but who knows if anyone outside your mother would ever even give it a glance over.
Sure, you could have some important life lesson(s) and write about how you gallivanted around the world trying to stop the spread of aids while wrestling alligators, but that doesn’t mean anyone will give a shit.
You life could have been the second coming of Christ himself, and no one would ever be the wiser.
In all likely hood, no one will read your story nor will they ever give a damn about anything you have ever done in your life, and even if you leave some powerful stamp on this fair planet, all will be forgotten in a short time.
That notion in itself is exactly why you should not only write about your life, but make it worth writing about.
It doesn’t matter if other people read your story and benefit from it, or if you get famous from your travel memoires or your attempts to cure indescribable diseases. It’s the mere act of not giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks of you and going for the things in your life that matter most.
From writing your memoires to traveling the world on a boat, it doesn’t matter if anyone else cares or even knows about your exploits, but you should care more than enough to follow through on them.
That’s why a life is worth writing about, because you wanted to live it just as powerfully as you wanted to write it.

I was recently chatting with a friend of mine during a break for a new job I have recently embarked on when we started talking about various things that we were working towards or had accomplished in the last few years.
We talked in a very carefree way about our accomplishments, failures, goals, and general acts of outlandish behavior when my friend commented to me,
“How old are you again?”
“24”, I replied.
“You have done a hell of a lot of stuff for someone so young.”
“It’s because I value new experiences above anything else, life is too short to try something new every day.”
“My friend told me something once that applies a lot to you. He said, “You can’t outlearn your lifespan.””
I was so impressed by this quote that I asked him to repeat it as I wrote it down and told him that I would write a post about it on my website.
See Solomon, I wasn’t bullshitting you.
Out learning your lifespan is something that not everyone attempts to do, but I have fallen victim to it again and again. There have been consistent moments in my life where all I wanted to do is absorb as much new information as possible, about as many topics of interest, and become an expert in every capacity at every single thing that I attempted to accomplish.
In a lot of ways, I have succeeded in this area, in others; I have fallen flat on my face. While attempting to expand who you are is never a bad thing, trying to constantly get ahead of yourself at nearly every junction of life is a sure fire recipe for burn out.
You can’t outlearn your lifespan.
Its an inescapable truth in life. No matter how many things you try to accomplish, how many countries you visit, or how many skills you attempt to learn, you will always be faced with a bucket list that is not completed.
Almost like a sigh of relief for my life, trying to accept the notion that I cannot achieve omnipotence is soothing to my soul, as trying to run around like a serial killer slashing through one goal and the next is rather exhausting. I am beginning to learn that taking things easy, and slowing down to appreciate the things that occur in life has a much cleaner and simpler appeal than being Jack the Ripper of life accomplishments.
So take heed dear reader, and relish in the fact that no matter how much of a badass you are, you will never do everything you want to do before you die.