Ever had a day where you feel like all you have is two feet on the ground and you feel like today was a fucking good day?
That’s how today was.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am usually in a good ass mood, but today I was fucking on fire.
It was like being the winner goal scorer in an overtime hockey game combined with having a three way with identical twins with a topping of having a NYT bestselling book hit number one.
In short:
Whenever rainbows are shooting out of your eyes and permeating the very essence of the things you love in life, it’s a moment that you never want to let go of. Yet, as time goes on, you will inevitably fall and get dirt kicked into your face with a side of painful disappointment. Then, just like a rollercoaster, you come back to life on steroids.
But today I realized something; I realized that none of this shit matters.
Your job, your women, your mood, your family, your motivation, everything can change at the flip of the coin, and the real kick in the ass is that it will happen.
But what if you realized that you are just a person, and that nothing that happens to you really matters?
From saving the world to getting your heart ripped out, fuck it all.
I say recognize the fact that you are only a person with two feet on the ground, and on that notion every day is fucking brilliant because you have deemed it so.
Who si going to tell you different? Your wife? Your boss? Your friends?
Nope, and even if they did, to hell with them, because every person on this Earth deserves to live a life filled with glory, epic battles, and a general sense of awesomeness, including your stubborn ass.
I challenge you to realize this simple fact,
“I am just a man(woman) and I am enough”
Existential hippie bs? Maybe
A life motto that is worth living by? Hell yes
Go ahead, realize that nothing else really matters and go live your life and you will see that everything in your life will have the volume turned way up, beyond 11 and into the stratosphere of amazingness that no one else will quite understand.
And it will feel fucking amazing
Live strong